chapter twenty three: betrayal

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After Dai Li throwed him in catacombs, Zuko was aware how bad situation was. Things only become worse when he noticed water tribe girl standing over him, eyeing him judgementally.

She started talking but Zuko felt guilty to even listen. He had no idea what to do, Azula outsmarted him once again.

' have no idea what this war put me through. Me personally. The fire nation took away my mother from me.' her voice was shaking and Zuko had flashback. That was first time he actually sympathize with Avatars girl.

'Im sorry,' he added quietly, 'thats something we have in common.'

'Im sorry I yelled at you before..' water tribe girl said as she stood up, 'Its just that, for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.'

'My face..' Zuko mumbled, touching his scar. He tried to stay as calm as he could, but it was pointless. He remembered Alison and their talks about him and his scar, so it helped him to keep himself at the ground. 'I see.'

'No, no, that's not what I meant--' she started, but Zuko cutted her off.

'No, it's okay. I used to think this scar marked me. Mark of banished prince, curses to chase the Avatar forever. But she helped me realise that I can determine my own destiny, even if I never get ride of my mark.'

'She..?' Katara asked confused, different thoughts running trough her head. She was sure that Azula wouldn't say him anything like that, but there wasn't any other girl with him while he was chasing them.

'She is someone... special.' Zuko was aware how off he sounded, but something push him to talk anyways. 'People always treated me just as prince, banished prince. She actually cares about me.'

Katara was shocked that Zuko actually talked with her. Usually, he was chasing them around the world. She decide to offer him healing water from north pole, probably the only one who could heal his scar.

'Are you sure about that?' Zukos voice was even more quiet now. If he get ride of his scar, his life would be much easier. At least the convicted himself that life without scar would be better. It was part of him and his past, but he hated it. Only person who ever showed interest in his scar as other then ugly mark was Alison.

Before he could replied wall crashed and road for exit was there. Only thing between him and exit was Avatar... and his uncle.

'Go and help your other friends. We would catch up.' Iroh voice was calm, almost like nothing happened before. He acted like Avatar was his friend.

Iroh started to talk, but as words tried to get into Zukos head, he was interrupted again. But this time, on his bad luck, wall was collapsed by Azula and her minions. As he tried to react, Iroh was catched up in crystals, unable to move.

'I expected this kind of traitory from uncle, but Zuko? Prince Zuko? You're lot of things, but you're not a traitor, are you?' Azulas vocice was calculated as always, and he knew better then to fail in her trap.

'Relaese him immediately!' He yelled angrily, but Azula didn't even move.

'Its not too late for you, Zuko. You can still reedem yourself.' She started loudly, but her voice become more quiet, 'You don't have reason to be on losers side anymore. She's already dead.'

Zuko froze. 'What are you talking about!? None died!'

'Oh, Zuzu.. you're so naive. To be honest, she tricked me too. I realised that at the moment I came to Ba Sing Se. The girl you sat with at... tea shop.'

Her tone was full of joy. Zuko didn't know how to react, it couldn't be true. Azula always lies. Azula always lies.

'You're lying!' he tried to sound sure, but it was pointless. If Alison was dead, and Iroh already taken as prisoner, did he had reason not to join Azula? Of course, Alison wouldn't be pleased, but if she's dead...

'You don't have to believe me, but did you see her? She was killed on mission, by the hand of Avatar and his squad.' she looked up, eyeing Zuko carefully. 'Dont make that faces, she was excellent agent. I would prefer her alive too.'

'Mission? She worked...for you?' Zuko was confused. Alison stated that she wanted war to end. She was easy to read, supporting fire nation wasn't something she would do, not after telling him otherwise.

'Don't listen to her, prince Zuko. Azula--' Iroh started, but Azula cutted him off.

'Why don't you let him decide, uncle?' she was more annoyed then usually, 'I need you Zuko. The only way we can win this is together. At the end of the day, you would have fathers love, you would have everything you wanted.'

Azula always lies. Azula always lies.

'Are you sure? Is she... Is she really dead?' Zukos voice was shaky, he wasn't ready to process that information. She couldn't be dead. They survived worse things, there was no chance that Avatar could kill her.

'Im not a liar, Zuzu. If you join me, I would tell you details.' she turned around, but stopped after second. 'I won't try to force you. You're free to choose.' and with that, Azula left.

Zuko didn't want to believe Azula, but he had no choice. If Alison was really dead, he was left with nothing. There was no point in living like peasent, that wasn't his ambition.

Alison was dead, and he didn't have an option. He is crown prince, but this time he lost future princess for real.


Do I hate angst? Yes, yes I do. Would I make this angsty anyways? With pleasure.

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