chap 5- Arc 1 "beginning"

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It been one month since the mission, we see the hybrids eat lunch. The Hybrids are enjoying lunch. “So Jaune how you feeling being in Blackwing academy for a month?” Asked Chu. “Gotta say Chu it’s better then Beacon” says Jaune. “Still can’t believe how the supposed best school could have let in such bullies” says Angra. “Yeah but hey I’m here now so don’t gotta worry about that anymore” says Jaune as the bell rings and he finishes his lunch. Jaune doesn't have his first class today thanks to his teacher doing a mission. So he went to train on his ability with his weapons, so he went to the training area, when he arrived he hears clashing of metal out of curiosity he sees Leona and jack fighting. "He what wrong puppy?" He hears leona insulting jack as he sents a wave of earth spikes, Jack donge the attack last minute. He punches the air with his gauntlets sending air bullets to the lion faunes. He dodges the attack as he uses his scythe to cut some air bullets, he snaps his fingers as magical circle appears around the arena "Air pressure!" And as suddenly gravity increase pinning jack to the floor. “You know this feels right, me standing proud and you on the ground” says Leona. “Well don’t start celebrating you prick, earthquake!” Yells Jack as he punches the ground causing it to shake violently making Leona lose his balance and the spell to vanished allowing Jack to get back up. “Now come on let’s get this over with” says Jack as he runs up to Leona who is still a little disoriented from the earthquake and punches him in the chest while adding a air bullet to send him into a wall. Leona slides down as he groans in pain, Jaune laughs at that the ending "He kinda deserves it" he blush in frustration as he remember a certain incident in the bathroom. "Nope nope" Jaune says to himself as he walks to Jack.

Jack groans in pain but is satisfied by the wind 'mmmm who us walking here' the wolf faunes look back and see Jaune in his combat attire walking to him. Without warning Jaune jumps at him and tackles him to the ground "oof" groans Jack in pain thanks to Jaune little attack he look at the other hybrid as he feels cold steel on his neck, Jaune smiles "It was a fun ending but i wanted to fight you today, yet you are damage by the fight" Jaune stands up and offers a hand to Jack. Jack takes Jaune’s hand but as Jaune pulls him up Jack trips him and turns ending up on top of him. “Just cause I’m damaged doesn’t mean I can’t fight” says Jack getting closer to Jaune’s face. “Alright, alright you win, now can you get off me, I’m pretty sure someone’s getting jealous” says Jaune looking to see Leona watching them, he then notices Jaune looking at him. “As if I’d be jealous of this dog” scoffs Leona. “This dog just so happens to be the same one to kick you’re but today if you can’t remember” says Jack as he gets off Jaune and helps him up. “Hmp besides that, why is it you came here Jaune” says Leona. “Like I said I came for some training against Jack here, but it seems you guys decided to have a match before I could ask, now why were you guys having that fight?” Ask Jaune as Jack and Leona’s faces goes red. "Non of your business" says Leona trying to stay cold but is completely red in face thanks to the reason for fighting.


*We see leona sleeping in the roof of the school skipping classes, he was sleeping peacefully until Jack burst out of the door leading to the roof 'I knew i find you here' growls Jack as he walks to the sleeping hybrid. 'Get your lazy ass up' he growls without getting a response, he gets slightly angry 'And you are the second in line for the leadership for your clan how sad' pits the wolf hybrid hoping to get Leona up, it slightly work as he saw a hand twitch, he thinks to himself thinking what else can he do, he decided to hit his new interest at the moment 'Well if i heard correctly i think Ozymandias is going to ask Jaune to a date' and that got Leona nerve knowing the rivalry with him and ozy, as leona grab Jack and pin him down with his eyes being pure red with furry 'I will not lose to that prince!' *


“Look it was nothing we were just having a sparing match” says Leona going back into his cold voice but still having a slight red tin on his cheeks. “Ah ha ok then, we’ll what do you guys want to do?” Says Jaune in a board tone. “Well me and the kitten here have to go to the infirmary to get this stuff checked out, why don’t you go check on Shirou or something” says Jack as he gets a water bottle. “You know what, why not” says Jaune as he walks away not know the two hybrids are watching his ass as he walks away. “I wanna hit that” says Jack to Leona quiet enough Jaune can’t hear him. “We all do, but it just so happens that I’m gonna be the first to do it” says Leona. “In you’re dreams” says Jack. As Leona and Jack walks to the infirmary and drag Leona to a class. They didn't notice ruggi taking a video of them talking "Chi chi chi, this will be fun" as he walks away.

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