chapter 8

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Everyone freezes up when they see the blonde with Ruggi jumping behind a chair hiding from her as best as he can. Glynda sees this and just sighs while rubbing the bridge of her nose “Listen all of you I apologize for my actions, while what you did deserve a punishment I should not have lost control of my emotions” says Glynda as the guys all begin to calm down while Ruggi pokes his head out. Angra smiles "Ya sorry to Glynda we should have told you we were doing it" said the tattoo team making the other hybrids look surprised at the action since  when did Angra talk so honestly with no ulterior motives?!? Glynda smiles "Thanks angra but i came to announce in a few days we are going to a joint mission with atlas” When she said that Napoleon glare. "Are we going to work with them out of ALL kingdoms!" He states making the woman sigh, as she moves to sit down. "Ya i don't trust them as well for a lot of reasons" she exclaims receiving water from Flint.

Glynda takes the glass and drinks it as Ruggi comes out of his hiding spot and sits on the chair with his legs crossed and a frown on his face. “So I’m assuming that we really don’t have a choice in the matter” says Ruggi as Fox walks up next to him and leans on the chair. “Of course we don’t have a choice in this really the only things we get are knowing who we work with and who goes, but considering how many of are guys are injured and unconscious that’s now limited” says Fox as Glynda cringes at what Fox said.

In another place

"General ironwood, is it a wise decision to get involved with those.... beast?" Ask Harriet, one of the ace ops. They are inside the General office to plan on the mission.

“I don’t like the idea myself Harriet but we need to see just what they can do and this mission will give us a chance to see them in comparison to are best fighters” says Ironwood as Harriet still looks unconvinced but sighs. “Understood general, so what are we doing specifically?” Ask Harriet as Ironwood brings up a holographic screen. “You and the other ace ops are gonna go with a team of hybrids to a village that’s been overrun, now normally this wouldn’t require both a team of hybrids and the best we have to offer but there have been some odd occurrences, we believe a very high level demon is there that’s why we’re sending you both” says Ironwood

Clover raised his eyebrows at that statement. "What rank of demon are you talking about?" He asks remembering the last high ranking demon was a Royal in a few centuries. "A Duke rank demon" the ace ops eyes got wide in shock "What! We haven't seen any Dukes level demons in 40 years!" Elm yells slamming her hands on the table. The general sighs but noods "Yes we were surprised at that, but it's just a theory thanks to the level of mana in it, but it may be the amount of demons we have" Ironwood explains.

Vine walks forward and gets a closer look at the plan before turning to Ironwood. “So who are we going to be working with?” Ironwood turns to the monk. “That hasn’t been decided yet but we have made a request to know who they are going to send so that we can give you information on the team they are going to send. 

Next day

Jake is standing over an unconscious Angra holding an empty syringe while others just stare at him shocked and confused. Before any of them could do anything Jake puts the syringe into a bucket next to him and sits down and looks at them. Shirou is the first to get out of his shocked state and ask “Uhh why did you do that?” Says Shirou as he points at the body of Angra. “New rule of the clinic that was added after you left yesterday, he isn’t allowed in unless he has an injury or is sent by a teacher with proof, as for why he’s unconscious Raven specifically told me to do it when she’s out” says Jake as they all get over their shock. “Now what do you guys want?” Asks Jake.

The others shrug at the answer as Ruggi moves next to the human as he pokes his head to the annoyance of the human "So how are the others?" He asks as he keeps poking Jake's head, the other swipes his hand away as he stands up and takes Angra unconscious body and throws said hybrid to the hyena making him drop to the ground. 

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