Prolong final- Reunion and Labyrinth

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Jaune, Scarlet, Cu and Flint are all in a bull head waiting to arrive at there destination so that they can get the mission over with. Flint sees Jaune making sure that his swords are ready. "You ready for this?" Ask Flint as Jaune looks up at him before giving a smile. "It's just some demons nothing to big, so I should be fine" answers Jaune. "Glad to see some confidence in ya but don't get cocky, now come on the others are waiting" says Cu as the bullhead lands and the four get out and meet up with Napoleon, Angra, Sun, Neptune, Sage and Emiya. "Look who finally arrived" says Angra. "What the heck took you so long we've been wait for forever now and I want to bash some demon faces in" says Angra as he got excited.

As Emiya role his eyes and just drags Angra to the labyrinth "Remember the last time we go on a mission and you almost kill us?" Sarcastically ask the white hair male, "That was one time!" Screams Angra trying to get lose from Emiya, as the other just laughs and starts walking to the labyrinth of the demon, as Jaune is walking and preparing his weapon, Napoléon walks up to him and starts small talk "Hi" greats Napoléon as Jaune looks at him slightly but greats "Hi, what are your intentions for talking to me" Jaune suspiciously answer because at the moment most are either horny after his ass or to annoy him, as Napoléon raise his hands in a defensive stance "Hey hey, im just here trying to be friendly" grins Napoléon to the smaller hybrid. Jaune looked at the guy before calming down. "Sorry about that it's just so far the others I've talked to either annoyed me or are after my ass with few exceptions" says Jaune. "Well I can understand that, heck you don't look to bad so I can why they want you" says Napoleon. "What about you then, also trying to get in my pants" says Jaune as they get back to the group where Cu is giving orders.

"Already guys our mission is simple, kill the demon before it escapes or devour the town people" explain Cu to the rest as all of them prepares there weapons.

Back in the school

Glynda and the rest of the hybrids are in a control room "All systems online" Says Chu as he in the middle activating SALEM, as Glynda nods declares "Is the visuals activated?" She ask as Ruggi and Leona says "Online" as ruggi activates the drones...

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Glynda and the rest of the hybrids are in a control room "All systems online" Says Chu as he in the middle activating SALEM, as Glynda nods declares "Is the visuals activated?" She ask as Ruggi and Leona says "Online" as ruggi activates the drones that Cu took with him, as the screen lights up and shows a sky view of the field group, Gawain, Ozymandias and Yatsu are connecting the Aura together "Connection done, everything is code green no interference" declares Ozy as the rest take control of the drones, as Glynda noods as Sits down and connects to the field group, "Can you guys hear me?". "Understood" says Cu as he looks forward to the town. "Alright Sun, Neptune, Emiya, Sage and Napoleon head to the town, that way if any demons show up you can keep them out, everyone else you're with me we're gonna head over to the nest and kill these things" says Cu as the two groups split up and head in opposite directions.

Scene change brought to you by Jaune hiding from a horny Chu.

"He seems to know what he's doing" says Glynda. "Yeah he's usually one of the leaders that we pick for missions like these" says Lainn. "Well it's good to know there are leaders here" says Glynda.

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