prologue-the school year and mission?!

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Jaune wakes up and looks around to find himself on the ground, surrounded by rubble. "What the heck happened?" Jaune says.
"Simple kid, you're on the ground of a hallway," Jack says. Jack then helps Jaune get up. Jaune then sees a hole in the wall and another on the opposite end, causing him to remember his fight with Chu.
"Oh please tell me I won that fight," Jaune says, looking at Jack.
"You're the first to get up, if that helps you," Jack says.

As Jaune walks through the hole with Jack, Jaune leaning on him for support, the scene breaks to the other side of the building revealing a comedic sight. Chu was plastered to a wall unconscious as Fox, Mercury, Cu and Lainn try to pull him out.
"Okay this is fucking ridiculous!" Marrow yells, frustrated as he returns with rope. Chu is stuck in the wall by what they now knew to be wind magic. Glynda massages her temples, knowing that she had fucked up.
'I should have known this would have happened...' she thinks to herself. On the other side of wall that Chu was within, Ruggi and Angra had managed to get construction tools, like a jackhammer. Emiya and Leona shake their heads upon seeing the tools
"I still wonder how they got those tools..." Leona grumbles, knowing he won't be getting any sleep anytime soon

Fox, Mercury, Marrow, Cu and Lainn have the rope tied to Chu's chest as they try and pull him out with no success. "Alright move out of the way people let the pros handle this" says Ruggi wearing a hard hat and construction outfit. "Alright bring it in Angra!" Ruggi yells. "On it!" Yells Angra also in contribution gear. "Alright let's test this puppy out" Angra says as he turns on the jackhammer trying to break Chu out only for the hammer to break when it got close to Chu's skin. "Right this guy has hard ass skin, alright Ruggi were gonna need the big guns!" Angra yells. "On it!"yells Ruggi as he ties a steel hook around Chu's waist. "Let's do this!" Yells Angra as he pushes the button that pulls the crane rope back.

As the guys tries to get Chu out, we shift focused to Robin hood, Napoléon and Neptune counting the money they got "That fight was pretty.... savage" trails off Robin hood. As Napoléon and Neptune agreed. So the scene break back to Jaune and Jack as they stop for a moment thanks to a bruise in jaune leg "ow!!" Yells Jaune as Jack touches the bruise "that hurts" jaune growls back as the faunes wrapped a bandaged around the bruise.

"So was turning Chu into a new wall decoration part of your plane or was that just a nice little surprise" says Jack as he finishes putting the bandages on Jaune's leg. "Ehh I kicked his ass this is just a bonus watching them try and unstick him from there, also where did those two get a crane?" Says Jaune as he gets up and walks out of his hole with Jack. "No idea and it's best not to think about it to much" says Jack. The two then walk into the arena where Glynda was waiting with a death stare that just says "you fucked up".

Jaune went stiff as a stick knowing that Glynda goodwitch will make a punishment worse than death as Jack notices Jaune fear "H-hi Glynda, w-what did i miss?" Ask a fearfull jaune as Glynda was about to give a earful and a punishment but before that angra yells "we got Chu out fin-" before he could finish a blast of ice froze him on the spot as everyone look at Glynda and they say her eye twitching like mad, and they didn't even dare to talk/voice out there complains because they know she would immediately react negatively

Chu wakes up on the ground before sitting up and looking around and seeing the arena covered in ice and scorch marks. "What the hell happened here?" Chu then turns to see a shirtless Jaune with a mop in his hands trying to get the scorch marks out of the floor before turning to him. "Ah good you're up, now get you're ass up and help me with this mess" says Jaune as he goes up to Chu and helps him up. "So what happened cause last thing I remember was attacking you with my axe then I'm on the floor" says Chu as he takes a mop. "Well actually I sent you into a wall and you were so stuck we needed a crane to get you out" says Jaune. "Alright but that doesn't explain the ice and scorch marks" says Chu as he starts to mop the wet floor. " Ahh well that, that's from" Jaune has a ptsd flashback of a angry Glynda firing spells at Jaune as he does his best to avoid with his slightly injured leg.

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