prologue: welcome to nightmare verse

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My friend supershot7 help me make this chap and may continue working with him in the future and vise versa, i hope you like my project have fun reading!!


Location- unknown time- unknown

See a blood red moon on the sky as a bullhead zooms across as its being attacked by a swarm of demons "we being attacked by demons i request back up!" Said the pilot as he trys to maintain control as the passengers are completely in panic as a hooded figure is on the passenger seat, they over hears a conversation of a father and daughter "daddy i don't want to die" crys the nameless 7 year old girl "don't worry sweetie i know we survived this believe in the hunters on top" said the father as he hold his child close, as the figure bright blood red eyes look at them, the figure sights and stand ups and move to the roof as they hear "what you doing?! Don't go up there", "stop!" And thegirl father says "are you fucking crasy you would die!" As the figure tops and looks at the crowd with there bright eyes as the people stay quiet as they know those eyes as they shine with bright blood red slit eyes as the figure speack being male "shut up or i will leave all you to die" hiss the figure showing his sharp teeth, as no one dare to do anything except two a orange hair men with a fedora smoking and a girl with pink hair on the left and brown on the right with hetoromaric? Eyes (did i write that correctly) a pink one on the right and brown on the left "look like we got our target" said the men as the girl noods as she out something from her bag "you know what to do" said the men as the girls noods and dissapeares

As the hooded figure walks back to the cockpit of the bullhead another swarm of grim class demons appear "what this" said the hooded figure as he uses one of the dying demon and uses it as a shield covering himself as fire balls are sent his way, the figure grunts as he grabs a dead demon guts as a whip to wrapped around a demon making it land on a ice pike he created as it imples through the demon head, as the figure pats as red marks start appearing as his aura ai call "arc" glitches as it gous "nig nig nig nighggggggggggggg-" as its speeche gous crazy as it turns demonic "nightmare" in a very twisted demonic voice as suddenly everything went dark as the sounds of screaming and blood hits the floor

The next three minutes could only be described as utter chaos. The man stabbed his own hands before going through a transformation the mans arms turn completely black with red tattoo marks, with large blades attached to the top part of his hands as a eye design on the left blade that is bleeding a black liquid, on his face a halo made out of dark black fire is covering his left eye and as chains are attached to his hair he looks demonic .He then uses the chains in his head to grab the demons in the sky and pull their organs out from the inside. He then uses the intestines to tie and choke the ones that were close to him. When he was tired of that and there were no longer demons in the air, he looks at the demons on the ground that are slowly dying he sadistically smirks and went and ripped there limbs off their bodies one by one.

As the figure turns back to normal as his eyes turn back to blue as he uses ice magic to freeze all the corpses and blood then he closes his fist making the ice shatters making it look there were nothing, as the bullhead lands into the landing pat the figure jumps off and starts walking away until someone touches his shoulder as he looks back and ask "what" before he could react and continue home the same girl from before kicks him on his guts as the figure spits some blood and is sent flying to the wall before ge loses consciousness he hears "we got our target jaune arc, neo let go and meet the old man"

Ozpin looks at Ironwood "simple Ironwood remember project Norse?" Said ozpin glaring at Ironwood as he flinches remembering all the casualties that accord "yes Ironwood they will be students like how jaune and marrow were before they run away and hid" said ozpin showing said two profiles as clover cringe at the memory showing a 10 year old marrow before he run away and jaune recent discharge, as raven adds "as well it WILL give them a reason to not betrayed us" said raven showing a video of a hybrid that Ironwood tried to control, as winter glares at it "as well this" sneer raven as she doesn't care about hybrids but hate the treatment to a child "won't happen again" said raven before she could continue ozpin intervines "raven!" Said ozpin making raven straight herself "Ironwood remember that we are in desperate times, we just lost part of mistral and we are running short of hunters and the students aren't ready yet! So give me a good reason fucking reason why i should kill the hybrids who can be the key to our salvation!" Yells ozpin to Ironwood.

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