side story- clinic madness

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"Ag" grouns Raven waking up her bed with horrible bed hair. She wakes up gous to her private bathroom to start a shower, she gets out eats and get dressed. "Mmmm let hope nothing bad happen" she thinks to herself as she walks to her office and opend the door turns on the lights, opens her computer and start working.

She heard a knock on the door. She turns around and says "Come in". Someone walks into the clinic and puts down a coffee next to Raven before taking seat next to the head nurse. Raven grabs the coffee without even looking and takes a sip. “Ahh thanks for the coffee Jake” says Raven as she turns to face the person to see a 17 year old boy with tan skin, brown hair and purple eyes wearing a orange shirt with a black jacket and some dark jeans and some rainbow sneakers drinking some soda. “No problem Raven besides I’ve seen you in the mornings without it” says Jake as he shudders at the memory of the women without any caffeine in her. “Hey! I’m not that bad” says a annoyed Raven while Jake just looks at her. Wild Jake is helping raven set up the clinic and Raven writing a doc. When suddenly the door of the Clinic opens showing Angra and Jaune carrying "Ok what the fuck did angra to this time" curse Raven seeing them actually carrying some prack related objects, as Jaune glares at the other hybrid before he speaks "I came here to just prepare for the worst and im going now" the blond explains, drops the box he was carrying and immediately leaves the room. Raven looks at the door where the blonde left as she turns her head to Angra direction; with said hybrid acting innocently "The fuck did you do?" Jake ask not really liking how innocent Angra looks, with the tattoo teen shrugs his shoulder with a small smirk "Oh it nothing" answer the hybrid waving goodbye and running out of the room closing the door. Raven looks at the door then back at the box "Ok have a-" she was cut off when a loud explosion come from the box painting the room and anyone in there in paint, glitter and feathers.

3, 2 and 1 "Jake" said Raven in a very calm voice with the teen head slowly to her direction "Yes?" He ask to the nurse "I give you 10 minutes to get him here" she orders. “On it!” Says Jake as he runs after Angra. “GET BACK HERE YOU TATTOO BASTARD!” Yells Jake as he brings to chase after Angra. Raven then heard a scream and what sounded like an explosion before looking at herself and the room. “Great now I have to clean this up.

After 10 minutes

Jake renters the room no longer covered in the stuff the bomb was full of but instead he no longer had his jacket and the  right side  of his shirt was burned a bit. “What happened to you?” Asked Raven in a new outfit with the glitter and other things off of her. Jake just walks past her goes under the desk and grabs one of the spare male nurse shirt before going behind a curtain. “I tried to grab Angra, he tried to cut me but I was able to dodge but he cut up my favorite Jacket. After that I got pissed and went to punch him, he tried to burn me with fire but I was able to dodge in time and punched him multiple times in under a second . The final punch knocked out five teeth and sent him through a wall. When I went to grab him his body was gone” says Jake as he finished changing and walk out to see Raven rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Sorry” says Jake as Raven waves her hand. “Don’t be I’m more mad that he got away rather then you not getting him” says Raven as she sits down. “Besides with what you described someone is gonna bring him here eventually” says Raven as she goes back to work.

5 hours later

Raven is working on someting until she looks at her digital clock "Mmm Angra here well the bastard got lucky this time" she curse before her door was suddenly blow out of it hinges as wind mess her hair up. "Fucking dammit that cutie got away again" said Ms. I with Raven thinking 'Fuck her'. “Hello Ms. I what seems to be so important that you just had to blow my door down” says Raven not even trying to be subtle with her sarcasm and displeasure at the women as Jake went under the desk and grabbed a toolbox before going to fix the door again. “Oh it’s just that Neptune avoided me again and I just needed someone to talk to” say Ms. Bitch as Raven sighs knowing that she’s about to go on another of her rant speeches about how it’s not fair that she can’t get the guy and blah blah blah. Raven looks behind Ms. Bitch(A name that she came up) before seeing Jake holding a electricity dust infused hammer over her head wait for the sign for if he should or shouldn’t knock her out. Jake then walks up to her with a cart of surgical tools silently handing Raven a scalpel as she grabs it “Let’s beings”


Raven and Jake were having lunch that Raven made waiting to see who else would come in today. “Man today’s been relatively quiet for us” says Jake as he takes a bite of his sandwich Raven looks at him with a small smile on her face “And thank Oum for that, I was actually able to get some work done here” says Raven in between bites of her sandwich. The two the eat in silence. “Soo how’s your family doing?” Ask Jake wanting to get rid of the silence. Raven stops mid bite before she puts it down and looks at the ground. Jake realized his mistake before trying to make her feel better but as he moves to her the door gets blown off it’s hinges again. Raven looks annoyed at the action as a tall male enter as Jake looks slightly above seeing Napoléon carrying a body on his shoulder, as he smiles down "Hey jake and Raven" he waves his hands. Jakes looks at the body than back at Napoléon "ahhhh who is the person on your shoulder?" Raven looks dead pan on her face feeling something and thinks to herself 'fucking god sexual tension' she groans knowing who the person his. Napoléon walks up to a bed and put Jaune unconscious body there "Well i accidentally gave this guy" he points to the blond "Gave him the wrong drink and this what happened" Raven looks extremely questionable to Jaune knowing kinda what he meant but not understanding. With jake "The fuck???" He question the one that sents one of the chu siblings flying to the wall and he acting as a big idiot. Napoléon slightly laugheds at the reaction.

"Ya blondie here is quite interesting" he laughs knowing how 'needy' he acted when near the guys, he shakes his head and breaths out in a low tone "horny bastards". He leans back but falls back throw the curnting seeing "Ms. Hag!!!" The tall guy screams in suprised. Raven gives Napoleon a death glare that scares the living daylights out of him. “I mean nurse Raven, ahh so what about Jaune?” Ask Napoleon trying to stay alive. Raven looks like she wants to stab him but calms down a bit before grabbing a clip board “He’s fine, Jake just knocked him out to sober him up, when he wakes up well send him back to the dorms now get out!” Yells Raven as Napoleon quickly gets up and heads for the door but Jake stops him. “When you see Angra tell him he owes me 100 lien and that I’m going to get it” says Jake as Napoleon nods and leaves.

Few hours later

Jaune groans "ahhh my head" the blonde runs his head looking out of the window "Holy shit it almost night!!" Curse hybrid before he can leave Raven is in fount of him "Not yet i need to check on you" she answer. After some test and questioning from Jake, the blonde said his goodbyes and leaves. Jake stretches his arms yawns "Well im going night Raven" he waves goodbye and leaves. The head nurse signs and stands up "it time to leave" she closes the computer turn off the lights. "That was a eventful day" whispers the black hair women  as she just closes the door and walks away.

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