Chapter 22: Denouement

Start from the beginning

Nikolay smiled confidently behind his new ballistic mask and balaclava seeing how the team accompanying him into the lion's den was ready as ready someone can be, putting ease on his shoulders knowing he got experienced teammates with this kind of thing that he is about to get himself into.

R3: Viel Glück der Kamerad (Good luck comrades)

She let out, stopping the APC at once, the team of nine quickly scattered out of the vehicle into the open, the street still barren of life as Nikolay remembered it from the first time. The team made a defensive circle around the APC as they all were finally out of it, Nikolay quickly after seeing everything was clear signaled the team to move forward, the dolls following him in a conga line towards a building all of them piling up on the door.

After a while, the APC driven by R3 made its way into some ruins of a building to keep itself concealed of any areal or on foot scouts.

The team didn't take long to breach in and secure the abandoned house, now with a bit of safe time to react Nikolay pulled off a map and analyzed it quickly his eyes hovering on it and snapping back, forth, right, and left.

Nikolay: Hm.. *Opening comms* Bolt team speaking, we are going to start the assault as soon as we get debris clear for an exit if everything goes as planned, as soon as we enter we gonna cut communications, set your watches, and good luck


Ann: *Sigh* Can't deny his radiophonic voice knows how to command and make you feel like a great war hero

Said Ann referring to the last message they gonna receive from them for a while, while the operation is active. Fang kept her eyes still on the city through her scope unlike her sister Ann who took a little side look at her from the binoculars.

Fang: More than that I'm excited for some real action, a true full-on operation such as the ones we were designed for

Ann: Yet we are the ones sent into the backline as the watchers of the roads

Fang: Tch don't brake my mood like that, scouts are also important... I guess?

Julie: Hm... Well, I would understand why they sent us to this position instead of the action... Not like we got drunk hours ago or anything

Fang and Ann: Touche

Alex: Bahhhh

Julie: Oh we got a sheep on our flock

Said Julie giggling a bit at her sister's reaction as she rolled her eyes and looked away from the binoculars for a second.

Alex: Oh shush it


R4: Entrance and exit cleared

R5: Surrounding buildings are also secured

R6: Vehicle and communications are in tippy-top shape

Nikolay: Great

He responded with his view tilting towards the other 5 dolls who awaited their scout's return.

Nikolay: You all remember the plan right?

R2: As if we were born with it installed

R1s: Hmhm

Nikolay: *Inhale* May god bless us with his protection

He whispered to himself a small prayer before turning on the flashlight on his vityaz and starting to walk out of the building towards the entrance of their objective.

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