Chapter 19: Start of the red show

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Said Nikolay entering his office and turning on the lights before slapping the documents on his desk and rolling out a board in which he could write and pin papers.

Julian: G&K forum anons make a lot of conspiracies and random posts, I'm just basing my statements of speculations but I see that I'm mainly right

Nikolay: Hmm, proceed

Julian: If I'm not wrong you probably already sent a team to inspect site 3 for the lost team

Nikolay: Correct

Said Nikolay getting two magnets and pining the main documents of sites 5 and 3 on the board.

Julian: The activity of the puppets has been augmenting lately around all sites, the problem of their ever-growing force is that it gets crossed out as a scavenger pest problem instead of what it really is

Nikolay hummed in acknowledgment and sat down on his chair and started to shuffle around the file trying to find the section that talked about the views on this puppet problem on the eyes of the top command in G&K.

Julian: The team that delivered you the documents is a team of three dolls I put under special training to deal with these puppets, they should be able to get through sities quickly and fend off any ambush with relative ease but...

Nikolay: But you don't know what went wrong this time...

Julian: Exactly, they are trained to keep a connection with the main base at all costs and that after more than 4 to 5 hours we aren't getting any reports back is indeed problematic and furthermore I wanted to ask...

Nikolay: Go ahead

Julian: Do you have a stable connection with your scouting team?

Nikolay: We haven't got any report back to base since 2 pm today, I have brushed off the lack of reports knowing how far the city to my base is and taking into account our only vehicle is quite old and unsuited for the mission, but not even a radio check from them is indeed quite strange...

Julian: So your team is also cut off contact with main base...

Nikolay: I'm not worried though, if something major happened to them I would have been informed through Sveta's inner system... But total silence isn't good either... Where was the last location of your team?

Julian: Let me check

Said Julian and it could be heard how she rolled to another desk on her office chair, quick typing on the other end from Nikolay's perspective as he only could hear the keyboard being pressed and the fan of the computers running. Considering she was checking it now, Nikolay decided to start up his laptop and do the same, checking for Sveta's navigation chip.

Julian: My team last frequency should be by the west of site 5 commercial area

Nikolay: Hm... Apparently my girls speed out of site 3 around 2 pm and their quick advance was suddenly put to a halt, looks like they were heading towards the southwest to get back into the main road but cut to the east instead

Julian: They should have come across site 5 then judging by that pattern of movements

Nikolay: So we could be certain that there is a probability that our teams are now entrenched in site 5 trying to regain communications with us?

Julian: The possibility is indeed there... Though I'm worried about what made your girls abort mission on their site and get redirected towards site 5

Nikolay: They can answer after we figure out how to get them back

Said Nikolay scratching his neck and getting up to draw the map of the area between sites 3 and 5 on the board. Several groves of trees around the intersection of the roads leading to the two cities, a plain to the northeast area from the intersection, a forest surrounding west, north-west, and north sides of site 3. As per Site 5, it had a river not so far away from the west side of the city which came across all the west of the site directly down into the south side of it. The most open areas to the cities being on the east as the other plains got cut by the growing forest on the west and south, making north and east the only accessible spots for helos and heavy vehicles.

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