Meeting the Foot

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Savvy's POV

Hannah,Kindall,Anna, and I walk around our new home called New York. Kindall came to a halt as she Peered into a pizza place. Anna rolled her eyes "Come on Kindy, we need to find the apartments." Hannah nodded in agreement. "Awww but I'm SO hungry!" Kindy complains. I think for a moment. "Well, I know this may sound stupid but I agree with Kindy. I'm pretty hungry myself." I say without hesitation. I'm always the one who has to get things done. Anna lets out a sigh and then something grabs her mouth as well as mine,Hannah, and Kindys. Hannah bites the hand and screams "LET ME GO!!!!" The guy makes a robotic like noise and drags off into a building labeled TCRI.

Karai POV

Four foot bots entered TCRI with four girls. "Put me down!" the blond said. "We have our rights!" said the short brunette. The brunette with curly hair looked at me, puzzled. I smiled at the girl "welcome to TCRI. take them to them to there cells!" I commanded the bots. I smiled as they left the room.


We where on patrol when we saw four girls being carried into TCRI. I raised a brow at the girls. Why do the bots need humans? "We gotta help them!" said Donnie. I nodded once and jumped onto the rooftop of TCRI. I looked into the glass roof and the girls where chained to the wall. The blond one caught my attention. Her hair was in a braid, she wore a plaid collared shirt, and bark blue jeans with black short boots. I have to admit she was hot. I snapped out of my gaze and jumped into the building once all the guards left. "Guys full ninja mode" I whispered. We stayed in the shadows. Once we saw the girls had been knocked out we unchained the girls. I unchained the blond. Raph got the brunette with short hair. Mikey got the short brunett. And Donnie got the brunette with curly hair. We brought them home and waited patiently for them to wake up.

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