Will you?

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Today was the day.

I breath heavily.

I open the door to Anna and my room (ya we share ;) )

"Hey Leo!" says Anna.

"Hi babe"

"You ok?"

"Ya! of coarse"


"I have a question for you." I say. "Yesh?" I get down on one knee. "Anna Medlin, we have been together for about 3 years now. and I think you are the most amazing, beautiful person in the entire world" she starts tearing up "so, I will ask you. Will you marry me?"


Raph POV

I march into Kindy and my room.

I hide the box behind my back.

"Hey Raphie." says Kindy. "Hey, uh can I ask you something?" I ask. "Uh you just did'' she says. I give her a 'really' face and she giggles. "I'm kidding I'm kidding! yes what's up Raph" she says. I get down on one knee. "Kindall Smith, you are the highlight of my day. Your smile is like looking at the most beautiful thing imaginable. You make me feel complete. So, will you be my forever and always?"


Donnie POV

I walk into the lab to see Savvy experimenting with acids.

My palms get sweaty.

"Hey Donnie" she says.

"Hi" I say.

"What's wrong? you look nervous"

"I am nervous"


I get down on one knee. "Savannah Moore, you are the most amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, smart girl I know. You make me smile when I'm having the darkest days. You make me get butterflies when you kiss me. I would love to ask and pray that, you will marry me?"


Mikey POV

Hannah and I where playing a video game.

I feel the box move around in my belt as I shake from nervousness.

"Step up your game Mikey! you're gonna lose again!'' She teases.

I pull the wire to the PS4


I get down "forgive me. But there is something that's been on my mind. Hannah Wortham, you are the pepperoni to my pizza, my peanutbutter to my jelly, you make me complete. I am so pumped that we are together and I would love to take it to another level. So without further a due, will you marry me?"

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