Abhimanyu's Diary (Part XII): ParthaShyaam

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*For further clarification on other terms and concepts, mentioned in earlier chapters - please refer to the Glossary section in the respective chapters!

**IMPORTANT: This update is a very special one for me. I was skeptical about writing this out in the first place, as it is literally a part of my heart written out- hence it is a sensitive topic for me. Through exploring my take on the beautiful bond of incomparable friendship between Krishna and his Partha, I have put forth my own heartfelt connection with the Lord, which some of you may be able to resonate with. Again some of you may agree with it, whereas others may not. I just kindly ask that we all be respectful of one another's opinions and sentiments! 

The dimmed glow of the diyas, flickering in the chamber of Dhananjaya, danced across the unique complexion of the warrior who sat amongst them. Seeking their comforting companionship, as he willed himself to spend the ripening hours of dawn in solitude in their presence alone, away from disrupting the peaceful slumber of the remaining family members. Hours had trickled by since all had retired for the night, and the final prahar prior to the rising of Lord Surya Narayana were peaking, as Krishna remained settled in his deep slumber on the plush mattress situated in Phalguna's chamber. And the one who's heart he held, appeared to be wide awake in his seated position on the cooling marble floors of the chamber, as he silently observed the thin pink streaks creep their way between the raven-darkness of the night. Indicating the oncoming commencement of a brand-new day. Gifting with it a brand-new start at life.

The dusky tones of his silvery complexion, representing the greyish-black hues of the bark of the Arjuna tree – hence providing the warrior with his famous name, glowed in the golden rays of the dancing flames surrounding him. As he sat pondering over the remainder of the conversations that evening post Geetacharya's mind-liberating gyan - regarding the hidden series of truths behind the necessity and orchestration of the great Mahabharata battle.

"Hence in order to deliver the pious and annihilate the miscreants, as well as to re-establish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium (Bhagavad Gita, Verse 8)."

All present in the large sitting room, had appeared to be rooted to their spots and incapable of speech, as the words of Vasudeva Krishna sunk into their deeper understanding. Multiple truths had been revealed that evening. The war had been necessary – yet for reasons far beyond their minor understanding. They had been subjected to heaps of unbearable pain and sorrow from losing almost all they had considered family - yet these events had been destined to occur. They had slaughtered the shells of the countless number of Kaurava warriors housed on the fields of Kurukshetra during the staging of the battle - yet they had not killed. They had caused families to shatter, children and wives to accept father and husband-less lives, and almost completely destroyed the remaining hopes of the Kuru dynasty - yet they had not sinned. They had been mere instruments in the hands of the great master, whom one may call the Lord or Bhagawan – and played their part in assisting him in his purpose of re-establishing dharma. Through the delivering of the pious and annihilation of the miscreants via the orchestration of the most catastrophic war witnessed by mankind till this day.

Despite hearing the pearls of wisdom from the lips of the sustainer of the universe himself, four years back on the very fields of Dharmaksetra, Arjuna stood completely fazed as the words of his Sakha rang in his ears once again. No matter how many times heard, the words of the universal truth – the truth of creation, the truth of sustenance, the truth of destruction, the truth of life's sole purpose, the truth of the soul's immortality, the truth of our bond with the self, with others and the Almighty himself – would remain timeless. They were far beyond the clutches of time, as is the one who had spoken them.

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