Author's Note: Important

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Hello my lovely readers!

First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! May 2021 bring the best of the best to you all and your families.

Secondly, DaanveerPutri crossed 30k reads! Thank you so much to you all for making this milestone possible. It means so much to me to know that you support and love the journey of this story as much as I do.

Thirdly, I wanted to talk to you about the extended gaps in time between my updates. My updates had been more frequent over the past months, owning to the fact that I was a recent graduate, and thankfully had more time on my hands (Covid lockdowns also playing a major part). But now having completed my final exam, and having taken on a full time career with extended work hours (owning to Covid-19 complications), I'm again facing challenges in terms of creating more frequent updates.

I also noticed that the number of readers and involvement had significantly dropped in my last update, compared to the previous ones. This may be due to my infrequent updates, and I do not by any means blame any of my readers. You have all the rights to decide when and what you want to read on any platform. I'm someone who tries hard not to hold certain expectations, or worry about the results of the effort I put into a task. Briefly said, my happiness lies in writing, posting a written update, and reading through your comments and interacting with you all. It does not however lie in the number of votes, comments, or involvement.

Many of you have supported me and DaanveerPutri since the very beginning of this journey and continue to do so. It means the world to me and thank you so much for it. I am by no means abandoning this story nor do I have any plans of doing so in the future. This story is my treasure, my connection to God and my readers. I'm trying my very best to juggle time for it in between work and other commitments to have quality updates ready for you as soon as possible. As you all know, the lengthy nature of my chapters makes it difficult to wrap it up within a couple of days. And for many of you who know me well, I'm never ready to complete a chapter, until I feel satisfied with it, and assure it speaks to me in a way that I'd love for it to speak to you all.

On this note, I want to let you know that I'm in the midst of wrapping up the next part, and it will be posted very soon! Many of you have messaged me saying you love the unique nature and plot of this story, and I promise you the upcoming parts will continue to meet those expectations. I'm excited to continue writing, and I hope you're equally excited to read!

Loads of love,

Geitha (Your Author Friend)

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