Abhimanyu's Diary (Part IV): A Father's Words

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*Lord Surya Narayana - another name for Lord Surya (known as the Sun God)

*Kavasa Kundala – the golden protective armour and earrings Karna inherited at birth from his celestial father (Lord Surya Narayana)

"Baba?" Mitra whispered as she slowly approached the tall and well-built figure standing some feet away from her in the dark room, with his back facing her.

Even without seeing his face, Mitra could acknowledge his identity from the radiating heat and shine that reached out to her as an effulgence, and curved her lips upwards in a smile. It was as if she were standing directly under Lord Surya Narayana himself.

"My dearest Mitra," the man chuckled in a voice filled with pure love and adoration. "How I longed to be able to talk to you once again, Putri."

Mitra drew in a deep breath as she watched the individual before her turn around to face her. There he was with a bright smile on his face. In all his glory with the shining 'kavasa kundala'. Daanveer Aga Raj Karna. Her father.

Father. The word itself brought about an emotional turmoil in her heart and mind, which showed clearly on her face. The very word which itself was supposed to provide a sense of security, caused the young princess to shake with insecurity as she regarded her biological father with a tear-blurred vision. As Karna raised his arms, calling out to her, the last string of strength Mitra held on to with her dear life broke, as she found herself sprinting into the safety of her father's arms.

Karna wore a small smile, filled with pain on his face, as he held his dear one sobbing uncontrollably in his arms. Each and every tear and soul-wrenching sob that wet and berated against his chest tugged at his heartstrings.

"Why did you lie to me, Baba?" came out Mitra's muffled voice, choked with tears. "You told me no matter what, I will always have a father."

Karna gently lifted her chin to look into her deep brown orbs.

"Are you trying to say your father is a liar, Mitra?" he asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

Mitra huffed in annoyance as she turned her face away from his hold.

"You know that's not what I was trying to say. Now you're trying to turn my words on me!" she muttered, as Karna threw his head back and laughed heartily.

"Your mother had warned me repeatedly that my cute and innocent angel will be challenging to handle in her teenage years, due to how much I've pampered her. Oh, dear God. I truly feel bad for my Arjuna now for having to deal with your teenage tantrums!"

With the mention of Arjuna's name, Mitra felt her heart dropping into her stomach. She lowered her gaze as she murmured, "He wouldn't have had to deal with me if you and Brother Abhimanyu were here, Baba."

"Hmmm, and what makes you say that, my dear one?" Karna questioned his daughter with a knowing look in his eyes.

Mitra kept her gaze fixed on his golden hued footwear, as she let her thoughts take her away to the events over the past hours. Her mind voice kept repeating itself in her head, while her heart had succumbed to its loss, and maintained a chilling silence filled with pain. 'You took Abhimanyu's place in Arjuna's life. Arjuna will always be Abhimanyu's father. You were never meant to be Vijaya Nandhini.' Mitra covered her ears, unable to listen to the heart-shattering words of her mind.

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