Abhimanyu's Diary (Part V): Arjuna Opens Up

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Terms and Names:

*Pooja – prayer

*Chakravarthini – empress (another way to refer to Draupadi)

*Trigarta battle – On the 13thday of the Mahabharata battle, Arjuna had left with Krishna to fight the Trigarta army. Hence he was not present on the battlefield during the death of Abhimanyu.

*Drona - the Guru (teacher) of  the Pandavas and Kauravas

*Shishya - student 

*Angavastra – a scarf type of garment worn by men usually to cover their upper bodies

*Chakravyuha - military formation used to surround enemies (used in the Mahabharata)

Other names for Arjuna used in this part:

*Phalguna – meaning 'the one born under the star Uttara Phalguni'

*Dananjaya – meaning 'the one who conquered wealth and gold'

*Vijaya – meaning 'always victorious or undefeatable'

*Savyasachi – meaning 'the one who can shoot his arrows with both hands'

"Leave the tray of flowers in the Pooja room," Subhadra ordered the maid, as she hurriedly made her way towards her dear daughter's room. She had fallen into a restless sleep after much emotional struggle last night, and woken up to an empty bed without her Aarya. Knowing he must have gone in search of her Mitra, she decided to have a check on the princess as soon as breakfast had been made.

Subhadra completely lost in her thoughts as she entered the princess's royal chamber, had to halt her steps suddenly to prevent herself from crashing into the Chakravarthini of Hastinapura - who was standing at the doorway to the bedroom, and gazing in adoringly with her cheek resting in her palm.

Taken aback by her curiosity at what exactly the scene was in the room that had the Empress smiling so adoringly, Arjuna's youngest wife placed a palm over her elder sister's shoulder and peeked over to obtain a better view, which left her spellbound.

Rays of sunlight filtered in, falling upon the closed eyes of Gandivadhari as his eyebrows scrunched together unconsciously in response. To avoid the direct aim of Lord Surya on his soft eyelids, Arjuna unconsciously dipped his head down, which was resting on the pillow, and laid his stubbled cheek on the soft and downy head of the Kuru Princess, nestled in his strong arms.

"Panchali, did you see Nakula's bird seeds anywhere? That animal obsessed soul has been irritating me since I woke up, pestering me to find them for him," boomed Bhima's loud voice who was swiftly walking towards the doorway to the bedroom.

"Shhhh!!!!" hushed both Krishna's sakhi and sister, with a finger on their lips, causing Vrikodhara to unconsciously place his own finger on his lips as well. Utterly confused at why his wife and dear sister-in-law were staring into Mitra's room and acting so peculiar this morning, he walked over to take a look for himself.

"Arjuna is still sleeping? He's usually the first one to wake before us all!"

Draupadi turned to Subhadra and shook her head with an exasperated look on her face, while the latter covered her mouth – attempting to hold back the giggle rising on the tip of her luscious pink lips.

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