Yudhishthira's DharmaGuru (Part II)

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When just a few hours remained until sunset, Mitra made her way to her uncle's study to continue her evening lessons. The conversations that had occurred at lunch kept playing repeatedly in her head. She could not dismiss the hurt in her uncle's eyes and the tears in her grandmother's gaze she'd witnessed as the case was explained. It was heart breaking to see a bend in the beautiful bond between a mother and son. She felt the need to talk to her uncle about the situation but was nervous regarding how to begin.

She was brought back out of her thoughts to the present setting, as she saw the guards standing at the doorway leading to Yudhishthira's study. She offered a warm smile to the guards, whom she knew well from her frequent visits to this room, which they returned graciously.

"Can you please let my Uncle know that I would like to meet him? I've come for my evening lessons."

"Of course, Princess. I will let the Chakravarthi know immediately and bring you his response," replied a guard as he bowed down to her.

As the guard disappeared into the room, Mitra felt a knot forming in her stomach. She really didn't feel it was in her place to talk to her uncle about this. After all, he was the form of Dharmaraja himself. Who would know dharma versus adharma better than him? But at the same time, she could not forget the sorrow she saw in both his and her grandmother's eyes since the battle. She had hoped that their relationship would also become normal again, like everyone else, yet that had not happened. Uncle Yudhishthira respected Maatha Kunti like always and cared for her the same too. Yet, there was a certain warmth for a mother that was missing in that care, and instead replaced by a cold carelessness whenever he spoke or interacted with her. What had happened in the dining room today was proof that the situation was getting out of hand.

"Chakravarthi has given you permission to enter, Princess," came the guard's voice, startling Mitra out of her thoughts and back to the present in front of the study.

Mitra nodded pleasantly at the guard and inhaled a deep breath as she entered the study. Yudhishthira was seated at his desk in the centre of the large room, focusing on paperwork, as Mitra slowly covered the distance between him and the doorway. As he heard the jingling of her anklets, Yudhishthira looked up with a smile.

"Come, Putri. I'm sorry I kept you waiting."

"That's alright, Uncle. No need to apologize to me," she replied as she returned the smile.

Yudhishthira pulled up a chair near his desk, and gestured Mitra to take a seat.

"I'm just finishing up with this paperwork. Then, we can continue the lesson."

"Alright, Uncle. Take your time," Mitra replied as she settled herself in the seat.

She was torn about how to help ease the situation between Grandmother Kunti and her uncle. She did not want to make the situation any worse, but didn't have the heart to abandon it completely either. "Why did you have to be so generous, Baba?" she muttered as she directed her thoughts up to Karna. "You were known for fulfilling the wishes of all who approached you. You've passed this trait down to me as well and now look what that's gotten me into!"

"Did you say something, Putri?"

Mitra was startled as she snapped her eyes up to see Yudhishthira staring at her curiously. Oh, so she must have spoken her thoughts aloud. She stuttered as she searched for the right words.

"I...ahh...no, uncle. Actually yes! I just wanted to ask you if you were able to come to any decisions regarding the case you mentioned during lunch?" she finished off with a deep exhale.

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