Abhimanyu's Diary (Part X): The Predicament of the Pandavas

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*Jyesht - eldest (Arjuna uses it to refer to Yudhishthira as elder brother)

*Anuj - younger brother

*Putron - sons (plural form of putra)

*Makhan - butter

*Bansuri - Krishna's flute

*Gurukula - the training years of the Pandavas and Kauravas as they lived in the ashrama (hermitage) of their Guru Dronacharya

*Gurudakshina - honorarium provided to a Guru for education received

*Bhagavad Gita - 700-verse major Hindu scripture (a part of the epic Mahabharata). The narrative of the Gita is organized in a dialogue format which takes place between Shri Krishna and Arjuna on the Kurukshetra battlefields before the commencement of the war.

*Geeta Saar - the nectar-like knowledge of the ultimate truth delivered to Arjuna by Krishna on the battlefield

*Khandavaprastha - the half of the Kuru kingdom lands provided to the Pandavas when the kingdom was split between the cousins. The Pandavas later constructed Indraprastha here.


*Nara and Narayana - known as the Hindu deity pair (two bodies with one soul); the twin-brother avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu on Earth for the purpose of preservation of dharma; Arjuna and Krishna are referred to as the incarnations of Nara and Narayana (respectively) on Earth during the Dwapara Yuga

*Eklavya - a young prince of the Nishadha clan (a confederation of jungle tribes in Ancient India)

Names of Krishna used in this part:

*Madhava - meaning the 'Lord of fortune - Mahalakshmi (mother of the universe); also slayer of the demon Madhu

*Narayana - refers to Maha Vishnu in his yogic slumber on the celestial waters of the Ksheer Sagara (ocean of milk)

*Murali Manohara - the one who charmingly attracts all while playing his flute (murali)

*Dwarakadheesh - Ruler of Dwaraka

*Shyamasundara - 'cloud-colourd' (dark-skinned) beautiful one

Names of Arjuna used in this part:

*Partha - meaning 'son of Pritha (birth name of Kunti)'

*Gandivadhari - meaning 'wielder of the Gandhiva bow'

*Dhananjaya - meaning 'the one who conquered wealth and gold'

*Madhya Pandava - the middle (third) Pandava among the five brothers

*Shwethavahana - meaning the 'one with the milky white horses mounted to his pure white chariot'

*Phalguna - meaning 'the one born under the star Uttara Phalguni'

*Parantapa - he is praised using this name by Krishna; meaning 'the subduer of enemies'

*Gudakesha - meaning 'the one who has conquered sleep'

*Kapidhwaja - meaning 'the one who's chariot has the flag of a monkey (kapi)' - Lord Hanuman

*Vibhatsu - meaning 'the one who appears fearsome in wars and always fights fairly in a terrific way'

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