Abhimanyu's Diary (Part XVIII): 'What Would It Have Been Like...'

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*Dharma yuddha – a war/battle fought to uphold dharma (righteousness) over adharma (unrighteousness)

*Bhoomi – Earth

*Sarathy – charioteer

*daan – offering of charity

Names of Abhimanyu used in this part:

*Chandra Nandhan – the son of Chandradev (Moon)

*Vijaya Putra – the son of Vijaya (Arjuna)

*Subhadra Nandhan – the son of Subhadra

*Krishna Shishya – the disciple of Krishna

*Raudra Dhari – the wielder of the mighty Raudra bow (given to him by Sri Balarama, who had received it from Lord Shiva)

*Vijaya Nandhan – the son of Vijaya (Arjuna)

Names of Krishna used in this part:

*Mukunda – the one who gives liberation

*Achyuta – the one who is infallible

*Parameshwara – the highest Ishwara (God)

*Hrushikesha – lord of the senses

*Mahendra – larger than Lord Indra

*Parambrahma – the highest Brahman

The smooth pearls slid against the velvety pad of skin sheathing the slender fingers of the Kuru Princess, as she absentmindedly twirled the beaded strands of the elaborate bed canopy before her. The resilient, yet iridescent nacre of the pearls, respectfully residing along the lengths of the strengthened threads, that had brushed against the radiating shoulder blades of mighty Gudakesha's third born. As he stretched his arms at the crack of each dawn, effectively breaking his longing to rest some more.

What was she supposed to feel as she twirled the whiteness of the crystalline form, obtained through the choiceless yield of a clam's defensive mechanism? Similarly, she bore the constricting of her heart as her antagonizing mind pelted it with the ever-dangerous series of words that may very easily make or break one's present life – 'what would it have been like...'

What would it have been like if the war had not taken place?

What would it have been like if her father and brothers had not been lost to the hands of death?

What would it have been like if Brother Abhimanyu had been here to take part in the moments of joy and play between Arjun Baba and herself?

Would he have supported her, or rather playfully rallied against her with Arjun Baba, until the false tears of Kunti's Pari would have eventually brought the two Princes to their knees.

What would the bonding between her Karn Baba and Brother Abhimanyu have been like?

Would Karn Baba have revealed her most embarrassing secrets to her brother, while they both shared a hearty laugh with one another, much to her disappointment? Though she was sure her Arjun Baba would have come to her rescue, mildly chiding his newly found elder brother and adored son, for unforgivably teasing the apple of his eye – the beat to his heart and spark to his soul.

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