Enough about the game world, my dad to day life was somewhat of a chore.

"Young lord, the crown prince wishes to see you," a servant informed. I barely heard the knock at the door, but it was to be expected.

"Ah, I shall go greet him." I got up and walked out and towards the entrance.

The crown prince was a "target character" or love interest to the heroine. He was my personal favorite route and in the game, the Duke and the Prince didn't get along in the slightest.

Yet, things were different since I wasn't an ass.

In the game, Duke Reynolds publicly denounced the crown prince as nothing more than a foolish and egotistical bastard.

I have common sense however.

The crown prince seemed egotistical, but... he was t by a long shot.

I made my way to him and was met by the most stunning human being I could've ever dreamed of.

The crown prince was beautiful in every sense of the word. Light, almost curly strawberry blond hair, dazzling green eyes. Cute little freckles splattered his face. A true beauty.

"Isaiah, it has certainly been awhile," he greeted kindly.

"Prince Damon, you visits are always wonderful," I greeted in return, smiling at the man I've grown close to.

He looked me up and down, snorting, "you really don't dress up much do you?"

"Why should I? Extra effort for no one to even see it?"

Damon chuckled, amused by me like always.

We were a good pair together. Look wise I suppose. My hair was her black, my eyes a striking and abnormal purple. Light and dark.

I was enamored with him.

Not that I'd ever admit that much.

"I do hope you plan to dress up tomorrow. It will be your first party since you've finished school!"

Ah. school. Magic. Being way to OP to a point other students thought you were a demon...

Good times.

Gah, I sounded like a child. My past memories and this childlike demeanor made me go back to such informal thinking. Ugh.

"But who do I need to impress?" I joked, chuckling. "I will your highness. Can't look like a mess besides you now can I?"

"If only the ladies heard you say such things, your reputation would go to ruin!"

We didn't discuss much more before my father, the Grand duke arrived along with the emperor. The two smiled at us as we bowed in respect to the emperor.

If this were modern times, the emperor could've been my father in law... unlikely. He only has sons. Sons upon sons. Yet he'd never accept someone like me into his family.

Not if he knew I harbored feelings for his eldest.

"If I would've known we'd have such esteemed guests today, I might have cleaned up a little," I said with a small smile.

The emperor chuckled, shaking his head, "Don't worry about something so small. It's always a pleasure seeing you."

My father seemed delighted that everything was pleasant.

I'll be honest, my father is a kiss up. He tried to gain favor with those above him for a long time. A lot like my father in my past life if I'm being honest. The only difference they really had is my father in my current life actually seemed to like me.

Praising a child for succeeding was definitely something I wasn't at all accustomed to.

"An honor to see you both."

"I have something important to discuss with you, if you wouldn't mind," the emperor asked of me.

I nodded and he started walking, me following suit, leaving Damon and my father behind.

The king definitely had guards nearby, but just out of range to give us some sense of secrecy.

We were actually in a small stroll around the manor. Castle? Honestly, it was more like a castle.

"Young Isaiah, have you ever thought about marriage?"


"My coming of age isn't for another few years, so it hasn't quite crossed my mind," I admitted.

"Well, is there anyone you could see yourself settling down with? I see you as a son, so if there's any way I can help, I'd be glad to."

"No, no. I don't have someone like that. Not someone that would ever return my affections at least."

The emperor raised a brow at me, intrigued, "so there is someone you long for? What makes them unattainable?"

"Your grace, while I do trust you and value you, I'm not comfortable explaining such things."

He let out a soft sigh, "alright. I'll put this talk off for now. But on to a more pressing matter."


"Recently, there has been a great deal of magical energy forming near the eastern border. I've already asked the Duke about the issue, but I know I needed to ask you as well. After the graduation banquet, would you accompany my men to the east to fight?"


Honestly? With my abilities, I should go, and I will! I'm supposed to go from the games point of view.

"Is the crown prince coming?" I asked quietly.

The emperor shook his head, "my son doesn't have the same abilities as you, he would just get hurt."

Part of the hatred between Isaiah and Damon was because of the emperor's favoritism. Damon clearly held no ill will toward me since I befriended him, but he looked so lonely.

"He won't be able to get stronger if you never give him the chance your highness!" I realized what I said as quickly as I said it and tried to regain composure. "I'm not your son, Prince Damon is. Please, try to include him more."

The emperor looked... angry? Yes, angry!

"How dare you speak out of turn!"

"If you refuse to bring your own son, I'll have to decline your offer. I do hope you reconsider your own biases." I bowed and left, the emperor clearly upset at me as I left.

I could feel the heavy gazes on me from his guards as I returned inside. The Duke was gone and Damon was absently reading in a sitting room.

The ever graceful prince.

"I think I angered your father a bit," I joked as I walked in, sitting besides him.

He raised a brow at me, smiling a bit, "what did you do now?"

"I may have insulted him on accident."

"You certainly have a death wish. Though, your honesty is one of your more attractive traits. Shame most women would rather you hide such trait."

Ugh, women again?

The women I've met in this world have all been very kind, and I think they'd re all beautiful, but... the idea of being married to one or dating one made my skin crawl.

Thankfully my father never really insisted I marry anyone. He seemed to care for my well being quite a bit. It helped I had two younger brothers and a sister both away at school.

He may have been power hungry, but he didn't force me to marry to get more power.

Yet at least.

"Well, I certainly hope things work out well."

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