"Fuck!" I slam the locker door shut. The same one she left open before running away.

The crashing metal rings through the hall. A few people stop to stare but most keep their heads down as they walk off.

"Gotta watch that temper, Hall." Caleb chuckles and shuts his locker.

"Caleb, don't," Marcel warns from a few feet away. The look on his face says it all, he knows Caleb's asking to get his ass whooped.

Ignoring his buddy, the jackass continues anyway with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "Probably why Lexi's avoiding you, huh? Did you scare her with that hot-headed personality? Showed her the real you?"

I lose it, like a fucking dam breaking I lung at him with a snarl. Caleb jumps back but the bastard's saved as two sets of hands grab my arms and pull me back. I don't have to look to know who it is.

"Jace, calm the fuck down," Travis barks, his grip tightening on my arm.

Wild keeps hold of my other one as he flashes a fake smile at Caleb. "Don't mind him, he's just wound a little tight right now."

That's not even the half of it. Fuck being wound tight, I'm going on a week with blue balls, and every time I see Lexi it only gets fucking worse. Now I gotta have this dipshit in my face too? And all of this going on before my fight tomorrow ain't helping. I need to be able to think straight and that's the one thing I can't do right now.

"See, told you he's fucking dangerous." Caleb taps Marcel and nods my way with a smug grin.

Gritting my teeth, I tug on my restraints as the blood in my veins boils like fucking lava.

"Jace, stop." Josie slips past the guys, placing both her hands on my face and tries to grab my attention. "You need to relax. Think about what you're doing." My eyes stay locked on Caleb. "Think how upset Lexi would be right now if she were here."

That does it for me. Picturing Lex walking up, seeing me trying to attack her friend. She'd never fucking talk to me again.

I take a few deep breaths, and try to roll out the tension in my neck. "Okay. I'm good."

Travis and Wilder shoot questioning looks at Kade, unsure of what to do. I don't blame them. If I were in their place right now, I'd be worried about letting go too. You never know when a guy's gonna go from acting calm to going ham on someone's face.

Kade watches me carefully, looking at each option in his head before his eyes dart to Jo.

"He's good." She nods.

With a sigh, Kade nods and the guys let go. Just to be careful I take a few steps back, watching as an unamused Marcel barely spares Caleb a glance.

"You should be thanking God right now you didn't just get your throat ripped out."

Caleb scoffs. "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means you're being an idiot and deserve to get your ass whooped." Marcel turns to Caleb and pins him with a glare. "I don't know what the fucks going on with you, but you better hope Lexi doesn't find out. I'm not backing you up on this one."

Caleb shoots his friend a dirty look and walks away.

Fucking, pussy.

With that fucker gone, Kade points a finger at me. "Get your shit together, cuz. Remember what the old man said?"

No drawing attention to ourselves. I know and tip my head to say as much.

"Yeah." Wild cracks and flexes his knuckles. "Save that shit for tomorrow. Letting loose here isn't good for business."

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