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We left the party around midnight, I look around and there are people everywhere, some are dancing, some are crying, others are in love, and the rest are drunk

we walk with no aim until the world goes quieter yet we can still hear the echo of music from the party house, you could hear the sound of our fading laughter from miles away

on a tar-black starless night, I look at your face

 I see the raindrops clinging to your skin

your eyes shining bright, the reflected lights from streets lamps make them look like two little shiny stars  

your mouth slightly open, gasping for air from the long walk we had

I look into your eyes and they're so pure

no hatred, no envy, no anger, and certainly no rage

all that is there is love, pure love, warmth, and deep passion

I never felt too close to a soul before, 

your soul is pure and so is your heart

you never want anyone to hurt,

 you've always loved to give but never expected to receive 

I could see it all in your eyes

you're an angel 

I don't deserve you

I'm too damaged for you

I took a walk down memory lane of the things I never wanted to recall, I saw my whole life in seconds 

I grabbed an abandoned bottle of whisky and imbibed what's left, the world feels better when it's spinning

I look at your eyes again, 

a tear drops from my eyes, you wipe it away before it reaches my cheek

"you're not real"

Shhh, you whisper

"you're not real" I repeat

the clouds began to gather in the sky, you slowly disappear in the pouring rain, 

you were never real. 

A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be.Where stories live. Discover now