-Silent Symphony.

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In a fraction of a second, the light goes off and everything turns pitch black

I close my eyes like nothing really matters anymore,

like I'm a free spirit and that's always what I was and what I'll be

A slow song starts playing and my body starts spontaneously moving along

I'm free

I'm free I repeat while feeling every inch of my body moves slowly as the music keeps on playing

I feel every worry, every negative thought, every anxious heartbeat, and every little discomfort fly away like a feather

I'm free, I repeat

I feel a hand touching mine, holding it, my body automatically reacts to your touch

We're both dancing in the middle of nowhere

This is my escape: music, dancing, you.

If only this moment would last forever

Everything feels like it's going in slow motion, even my heartbeats

I can't let any word out of my mouth, neither can you

Sometimes we don't have to talk much to feel much,

Sometimes just our existence is enough

Our energies can do the thing, they're enough to pull us close like magnets, to keep us together as one for the eternity

You're a part of me, I'm a part of you, we're one and we're free

No one can reach us, nothing can hurt us, we're safe

So we just keep on dancing in the middle of nowhere, cause that's what we can do the best

Nothing matters as long as we have each other.

A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be.Where stories live. Discover now