-One day.

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《 One day, I might meet you..

And you might ask me, "What is it? that made you attracted to me this much, why do I feel you screaming my name in every word of your writings? what's so special about me that you want me that much?"

And that's when I'm gonna unconsciously let out a sincere smile and let my heart do the talking.

It's you. It's all you, I see myself in you and I always did, you don't have to do much, I see myself in every little detail of you, every little word you say, every single reaction you do.. 

I unknowingly see myself falling deeper and deeper into you. 

I never understood why or how I ever felt this way although I've asked myself like countless times.. why? Why you? someone who's way out of my league, a successful amazing person who's beautiful both inside and out and who's willing to help any creature alive at any time, someone who's loved by everyone who ever knew he exists. 

Why would I put myself in such a situation, why would I hurt myself this way and just fall in love so deeply with someone who may or may not acknowledge my existence, and if so how would I explain that it's not the money, neither is the fame nor the good looks that attracted me to you. It's something much deeper, more meaningful and stronger than all of that. 

I keep trying to find the right words to say in case one day I'd see you.. But words are so limited and powerless I don't know how to go on anymore, or maybe it's just my vocabulary that is limited. So I try to learn a new word every day hoping I'll be ready to explain it all when I see you one day.

But then I remember the strong feeling I got when I first saw you, maybe you'd feel the same, maybe your heart is gonna suddenly beat so fast you'd actually hear it, maybe your instinct is gonna tell you something that you cannot put into words, maybe your words will fail you as well, and maybe you'll also feel that strong connection that made my own words fail me, and that's when I'll make sure that it's you, and it has always been you, my one and only.

But for now, I'm trusting my timeline. 

So until then my love, keep being yourself, follow your heart, laugh as loud as you can, cry as much as you want, listen to your favourite songs, sing along, dance crazily, go on adventures, do a lot of travelling, follow that beautiful dream of yours. 

I'll do the same until it's the perfect time for us to get our paths crossed, and that's when we'll have the rest of our lives to share our stories. 

I'll always be with you, so hold on my dear,

I believe in you

I believe in us

And I believe in this incredible connection

until then, my love.》

A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be.Where stories live. Discover now