Happy the Dragon

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The next morning came quickly and I woke up to the smell of salt water and the sound of waves crashing. I felt so out of place in the cabin, as if I didn't belong.

I assumed that sometime in the night Leo put me back into by bed, but I highly doubt he stayed in camp. He probably went right back to Festus. He hasn't even known him for a day and he is already attached.

No one had bothered to move Percy's things and it looked as if someone was still living there. It felt like any second my half brother would pop out from behind his bed and be like haha this was all a prank, you don't have to go on some deadly quest and I was never gone. Welcome to the family.

But he never did.

My eyes scanned the cabin as I sighed at the pieces of a piece of family I may never get to meet. Then I saw it. A small piece of paper that peeked it's self out from under the pillow on the bed that I was told Percy occupied.

I slowly inched closer to it out of instinct. something was screaming for me to grab it. To look at it.

I lightly lifted up the paper and gasped once I saw what was on it. The picture fell out of my hands and onto the cabin floor as I slowly backed up.

A younger version of me stood next to who I assumed was Percy. He had an arm over my shoulders and the both of us looked as if we were laughing. Right behind us was who I knew to be my mom who was looking down at us with love.

I looked so carefree back then, but when I look in the mirror all I see is a girl who has been traumatized. A girl that had been broken and put together so many times who was barley human. What I would give to be the girl in the photo again.

I hadn't realized I was crying until a droplet of water fell onto the paper.

I lightly caressed my brother's face in wonder. The only family I know I have other than my Mom is missing.

With a sigh I put the picture into my backpack and decided to take a shower.

I walked onto the tiled floor and turned on the hot water. So much had happened today and it left me thinking, wondering who I really was and why I was chosen for this quest.

I obviously had a link as to why Percy was missing and how to get him back, that much I knew. I wondered whether I should tell anyone about the connection. And if I did decide to tell someone, who would it be?

Not Chiron, there was something about him that made me not trust him, though I did not know what it was. Every time I am near him I feel unsettled and every part of me goes on guard.

Not Piper, I loved her but when it came to secrets that aren't hers she can sometimes be a bit of a blabbermouth.

And definitely not Annabeth. I didn't know her well enough to guess her reaction. She was just too much of a wild card.

And that just left Jason and Leo.

I don't know why but every fiber of my being told me to tell Jason. There was just something about him I just...trusted. My gut instincts said to tell this boy I hardly know and just met.

Then there was Leo. My heart and mind agreed he was my best choice. I trusted him in so many ways and have for so long. He has never failed me once and I know him like the back of my hand. I can accurately predict exactly how he will react.

I was torn out of my thoughts when I heard screams come from outside. I quickly got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a Van Halen t shirt and slipped on a leather jacked, where I put the picture. I ran outside with my trident drawn.

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