Camp Half-Blood? That's offensive.

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I took notice of Piper, she looked as if she had been dreading this moment for years. I wondered if her mother had previously contacted her and she wished it to be only a bad dream. This is how it felt like one, long, bad dream.

Annabeth was navigating while Butch took the rains, and for some reason I felt very unsafe in the air. I clutched Leo's hand tightly when we felt the slightest bit of turbulence, shocks shooting up my arm from the contact.

"Shhh, it's alright princesa," the inventor soothed, rubbing soft circles on my hand with his thumb.

I felt slightly cold, moving more towards Leo who seemed to be a radiator. I had to admit, after getting to know the guy for a few months I got a tiny crush on him. Okay, maybe a not so tiny crush on him.

I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Jason as I tightly held onto the Latino boy. Even though I had never met him before today something about Jason seemed so... familiar. As if I had known the boy for years.

I closed my eyes tightly in an attempt to keep the air out of them, resting my head on Leo's shoulder to help myself feel more grounded. He moved the arm my hand was holding around my waist so that our intertwined fingers were on the other side of my body.

"Are those two dating?" I heard Jason ask Piper.

"No, but they should be," Pipes replied and I had to bury my head into his arm to hide my blush.

"Where are we going?" Leo tried to change the subject away from us.

"A safe place," Annabeth said. "The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood."

I peered up from Leo and stared at the blonde haired girl, knowing how Piper would take it. I was no stranger to the jokes and comments from the other kids her way. 

"Half-Blood?" the half Cherokee girl stated in anger. "Is that some kind of bad joke?"

"She means we're demigods," Jason said.

"Half god, half mortal," I finished with him, feeling as if Jason and I had explained this many times with each other. We exchanged a look and by his expression, I knew he felt the same way.

"You two seem to know a lot," Annabeth eyed us warily. "But, yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Butch here is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess."

"Your mom is a rainbow goddess?" Leo laughed out. So, I hit him which earned me one of his famous pouts.

"Got a problem with that?" Butch said.

"No, no," Leo said. "Rainbows. Very macho."

"I apologize for him," I said. "He doesn't know how to socially interact."

"Butch is our best equestrian," Annabeth further explained. "He gets along great with the pegasi."

"Rainbows, ponies," Leo muttered and I slapped him upside the head so hard a loud sound echoed through the chariot.

"I'm gonna toss you off this chariot," Butch warned.

"I'll help," I stated simply, causing a whiny repair boy.

"I feel betrayed," before I could retort Piper spoke again.

"Demigods," Piper said. "You mean you think you're ... you think we're—"

Piper was cut off by a bolt of lightning which terrified me to no end. I honestly don't know why, but I had an extreme fear of lightning and the dark.

The wheel was on fire and, almost if by instinct, I pulled water vapor out of the air to put out the flames. That didn't help the fact that we were in a downward spiral, but it did prevent the fire from spreading.

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