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It was just a normal day. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and I was having fun with my twin brother Percy and mom. Everything was great.

Except for the fact that everything I said was a lie.

I was running for my life from this giant man that only had one eye in the middle of his forehead. This man really needed a bath. And to stop chasing me. My family was freaking out and trying to help me while the rest of the surrounding people didn't even bat an eye.

The horrifying creature picked me up and took me to a room with a bunch of other monsters like himself. Despite my protests he strapped me to a table with a grunt and I squirmed, my small body not doing me much good.

I couldn't speak, what little voice I had caught in my throat as a scaly woman with wings came to me. "I'm going to ask this once and only once sea spawn, where is Zeus's master bolt?"

I could only sit there with labored breaths as she yelled the question again.

"The gods aren't real. You aren't real." I mumbled under my breath.

"Fine then, you want to play dumb?" She sneered. "You, Medea are the daughter of the sea god. And to prove it-" she took out a knife "-here you go."

The lady tore into my skin before pouring water over it, the deep wound instantly healing and only leaving behind a scar. I was silently freaking out over this. The gods were real, and I'm a demigod.

I don't know how long it was they tortured me, still convinced I knew more than I was letting on. It couldn't have been less than a week that they used different methods to cause me pain. When I was close to death they would always heal me. Or more accurately, I would heal me.

I don't know how long it was before a boy, about my age, barged in and swiped his sword at them. Each monster exploded into golden dust and a thin layer coated the whole room. He must have saw me and almost instantly came over and untied me form my restraints.

"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter," he caught me as I fell from the table. "Do you know who your godly parent is?"

"Water," I somehow managed to croak out at him, causing Jason to grab some that was on the counter.

As soon as my lips touched the cool liquid I felt my wounds heal instantly. The energy once again entered my body as I finished the glass. I was finally able to stand up on my own, no longer needing to lean on Jason, and I straightened up.

"So, a child of Neptune?" he questioned me with a curious look.

"Apparently," I let out a loud sigh. "Sorry, I just found out gods were real and immediately got tortured. Fun, I know."

The blond haired boy let out a snort at my sarcasm and I could tell we would be good friends. I didn't know how right I was as I looked up at my future best friend who I would come to love like a brother with a smile.

I was safe.


I was not safe.

I pumped my short, sixteen year old legs as fast as they would go away from whatever figure was chasing after me.

My water wasn't working and I didn't have my sword, so basically I was doomed. It's times like this when I wish I could visit my family. The bad thing is anytime I get withing a mile radius of Percy or my mom about a dozen monsters fight me at the same time. It's as if they don't want me to see them.

Percy. Mom. Jase.

I wanted those to be the last people I thought about before I died.

Whatever the thing that was going after me was swiftly got me and my vision immediately went black, my life changing once again.

I promise the other chapters will be longer but this is just the prologue.

The Daughter of Poseidon//Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now