The Next Day

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I got up without waking Rika up. She was really hurt with the bullshit I pulled on her. I don't know what I can do to fix it with her. All I know I don't want to loose her. So I'm gonna do all I can to fix this shit.

I got up and took my shower and got dressed. As soon as I got my shoes on and my accessories to my fit my cell started ringing. I looked at the phone and it was Trey FaceTiming me.

"What up my nigga? What's good?" Chris said as he answered the phone.

"You coming in today to do some tracks?" Trey asked.

"Yeah I'll be there in the next 30 minutes. I was just heading out the house when you called." Chris said.

"Cool. Cause I got this track you will love and I got to update on the hottie I had last night." Trey said with a grin on his face.

"Nigga you got another breezie over there? When you gonna learn man? You gonna fuck around and more than one of those bitches gonna come over and you gonna be fucked." Chris said as he walked out the room.

"Man don't be putting that shit on me.  I will not get caught up with my women like your ass do." Trey said as a matter of fact.

"Don't do that shit. And I ain't got no fucking women. I got a woman. That ain't my girl." Chris said looking around to make sure Rika was not around.

"Yeah that's what you say now. But Rik gonna fuck your ass up fucking with her feelings like that."

"Man don't even speak on it. I thought if I put the D down on her real good and sweet talk her she would forgive me. Man that shit ain't even work. After sex and shower she rolled over and went to sleep and didn't say shit to a nigga." Chris explained to Trey.

"Damn man. I don't know what to tell you to do. When a woman is scorned there is nothing you can do about it." Trey said.

"Nigga you Kells now?" Chris said laughing.

"Man fuck you. That shit works man. He speaking that mad truth on that shit. And besides I told you not to get involved with that damn girl. Now was it really worth your relationship?" Trey asked Chris.

The phone got silent for a few seconds.

"You there?" Trey asked.

"Yeah man I'm here. I was thinking about what you said. And you right man. It was most definitely not worth it." Chris said.

"I figured you would say that. It will work out man. Trust me. Just give her some time. I'm sure she's just mad right now. She loves you. And if she don't want to loose you, she will come to you when she's ready. In the meantime keep your dick in your fucking pants. Now bring your ass. I'm ready to work." Trey said.

"I'm coming fool.  Let me grab me something to eat and I'm on the way." Chris said.

"Aight my nigga. See you soon." Trey said and hung up.

Walking in the kitchen Chris got himself a egg sandwich and a water. He sat to the table and ate his breakfast. As he was cleaning his plate Rika came in.

Chris didn't want to start nothing with her so he put the plate up and headed to the trash to throw away his bottle from the water he drunk.

"Good morning Rik." He said to her.

"Morning." Rika replies back.

"Well I'm headed out. See you later aight." Chris said as he leans down and kiss her forehead.

Chris grabbed his keys and walked out the door. Walking to his car he hit the alarm and got inside. Chris crunk the car and waited for it to warm up. As he was waiting his cell rings again. He looked at the dash and saw that it was Rika calling. He hit the button to answer it.

"Yeah? Wassup?" Chris said to her.

"So that's how you handle me now?" Rika said as a matter of fact.

Chris took a deep breath and grabbed the bridge of his nose. Closing his eyes before he responded.

"Rik what do you want me to do or say? I tried to talk to you last night. And what did you do? You turn over and go to sleep. I apologized to you. I tried to talk and you pushed me away. I'm not gonna kiss your ass for forgiveness. So if that's what you want I'm sorry I can't and I'm not." Chris said to her bluntly.

Rika didn't know how to take what Chris just said to her.

"Wow really? You fucked over me and you wanna be harsh?" Rika said.

"I got to go Rik. If there's anything important you need call me only then. If not I'll see you whenever." Chris said and hung up the phone.

Pulling out the driveway Chris turned on the radio and drove to Trey. He felt kind of bad talking to her like that. But he was not sorry. He did all he felt to make things right with Rika and she pushed him away. So Chris decided to do what Trey said and let her come to him on her time. Chris phone rings again but this time it's Darnella.

Chris hit the button to answer the call.

"What?" Chris said.

"Damn is that how you answer me now?" Darnella said to Chris.

"I told you not to call me. I'll call you and what do you do? Come to my fucking house. Which I don't know how you even found that out." Chris said.

"Chris you led me on. And I don't like that shit." Darnella said.

"Wait a damn minute. I didn't do shit. And I will appreciate if you don't call me or come to my house again. I love my girl and I'm not leaving her." Chris said.

"You will pay for this Chris and I'm not playing with you." Darnella said as she hung up.

This getting real!!!!

What will happen next?????

What are y'all thoughts how Chris handled Rika????

Comment and vote!!!!

I will update this book when the reads hit 6.25k

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