The Station Drama

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"I knew his ass cheated on my baby. I just knew it. This is all his damn fault. And he really think I'm about to let him marry my daughter or have kids with him. Hmm. He is crazy." Albert said.

"Dad you can't hold this against Chris. It was a simple mistake. You act like you haven't had mistakes in you and mom marriage. You got to let her make her own decisions." Quincy said.

"Don't give me that bullshit. He just admitted to kissing and letting that Darnella girl suck his dick on my daughter. If you was a father you would understand the pressure I'm dealing with right now." Albert said.

"And I get that. But again Rik is grown. And she can make her own decisions. You got to let us grow up
Dad." Quincy tried to get him to understand.

"I'm your father and you will always be my kids. My wife is laying in a hospital behind this idiot." Albert said.

The detective came out and looked for the family.

"Mr. Brown is everything ok? Where is everyone?" He asked Albert.

"Umm we are gonna have to reschedule this. My daughter left and so did Mr. Brown. I need to go check on wife anyway." Albert said.

"I get that. But you and your son can make your statements now and I can call them back up here later. We got to get this ball rolling. And to press charges we need at least y'all statements." The detective said.

"That's fine. I'll finish mine and my son will as well." Albert said.

Albert and Quincy went in and did what was needed for the case. After they was done they headed back to the hospital where his wife was. The ride there was so tense.

No one said nothing to the other. No music was playing or nothing. Quincy looked over at his dad and saw he was still pissed looking straight ahead not saying a word. He couldn't take no more so he had to say something to him.

"Dad? Talk to me. What did you act like that at the station? Chris didn't have nothing to do with that crazy girl snapping and doing what she did to me, mama, or Chris." Quincy said.

"Don't fix your mouth to come at me like that. It is his fault. If he hadn't been flirting or even affiliated with that girl she would not had not did what she did to none of y'all." Albert said as he continued to look straight and kept driving.

"But dad.." Quincy said before his dad cut him off.

"I don't want to hear another word about it. I said what I said. And I meant what I said." Albert said as he was turning into the hospital parking lot.

Albert cut the car off and turns and face his son.

"Son one thing that you don't get or probably won't get until you are a father is this. I don't care what you say about that boy. He did my baby wrong and he was the cause of all of this. I can't find no respect in him for this. And your mother would have died I would have killed that bastard myself. Now I don't want to hear another word in his defense. Do I make myself clear?" Albert said firm.

"Yes sir." Quincy said not agreeing with what his father said.

They got out the car and walked to the hospital door. They walked in and got on the elevator to go to Dianna room. As the elevator stopped on her floor they walked to her room and walked in. Dianna was sitting up in the bed. She had pillows behind her to help prop her up. She smiled as they walked in the room and walked closer to the bed where she was laying.

"Hey baby. I was wondering when you was coming back." Dianna said to Albert as he leaned down and kissed her lips.

"You know I wasn't gonna leave you for so long baby. How are you feeling?" He asked sitting next to her bed.

"I'm sore but I'm ok. Did y'all get the report done?" Dianna asked.

Quincy went to looking off when his mom asked that question.

"What's wrong son? Why are you looking funny?" Dianna asked Quincy as he continued to look away.

"Yeah mama. We did." Quincy said quickly and still didn't face her.

Dianna looked at her husband and then at her son. She noticed some tension between them. Neither one of them was talking and Quincy was sitting so far away from everyone. Dianna knew it was something then.

"Quincy what's going on?" Dianna asked as she cleared her throat.

"Nothing mama. Everything is fine." Quincy lied and said still keeping his eyes on the television.

"I'm not stupid. And I know you better than you know yourself. Now tell me what is going on." Dianna said to them looking from side to side at both of them.

"Di it ain't that serious. Leave it alone. Everything is fine. All I need you worrying about is getting the hell out of here and coming home. All of this other stuff I will take care of. Leave it alone now." Albert said.

"Al don't do that. And I want to know. I'm the one laying in this damn hospital because of this crazy bitch. Now somebody better start talking." Dianna demands crossing her arm across her chest.

"Mama daddy is blaming Chris for all of this." Quincy said all in one breath looking at his mama.

"Boy didn't I tell you to drop that shit? And didn't I tell you I don't want to hear nothing else about that bastard?" Albert yelled at Quincy.

"Dad you are being unreasonable. This is stupid and I'm not gonna hide this from mama. And the thing about it is he's trying to keep sis away from Chris." Quincy added as a matter of fact.

"What the hell? Al you can't do that. This is not his fault. That girl was crazy all on her own. Chris had or has nothing to do with that." Dianna said looking at her husband.

"Fuck that. He does. This bitch would not be in our life at all if he was faithful to my daughter. Again this is all his fault. And I don't want to hear nothing about it. My daughter will not have this nigga baby not marry him and that is fucking final. Do y'all hear me?" Albert yelled.

"That's not your say daddy. And I can't believe you said this." Rik said walking into the room on the conversation with Chris.

What will happen now????

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This story will end soon!!!!!

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