Once again, Sakura hugged her tightly and Naruto took all three of them into his arms. Its made the girls laugh and Gaara even cracked a small smile at being in the embrace of friends. The most important people in her life were right here, holding her close and smiling all the while. She really was lucky to have such a wonderful life.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," She said as they pulled away, "You know you're allowed to come to Suna, right?"

"You're welcome any time." Gaara added.

"Yeah, maybe!" Naruto said and beside him Sakura nodded.

They said their goodbyes, the girls shedding their tears just as they always did when it came time to depart. The two leaf shinobi stayed at the gates, and Momoko kept glancing back until both them and the gates were out of sight. Once it was just her and Gaara again, he placed a hand on the small of her back.

"Stay close to me," He said, and Momoko could tell he was more on edge this time around than usual.

"I will!" She nodded, already shifting to walk just a little closer at his side, "Who do you think these guys are?"

"Usually missing-nin are criminals, or traitors to their villages."

Momoko frowned, her eyes trailing from him to the ground in front of them as they walked. It was strange to think that anyone who was raised in the shinobi lifestyle would come to resent their village in any way. Shinobi were usually some of the most patriotic people she knew, she couldn't imagine what it must have taken for them to turn their backs on their home. Despite possibly being criminals, Momoko couldn't help but pity those shinobi. They probably traveled a lot, no definite place to call home anymore and likely no one they loved anymore. Even if they were 'bad guys', they were still people.

She had never understood that part of shinobi: the lack of regard for life. They killed with little thought and hardly any justice, like it was nothing more than squishing a bug under their shoes. The enemy wasn't a person to them, they were just an obstacle. Momoko couldn't imagine taking someone's life and still being able to live her own.

"Gaara?" She asked, and he looked at her, "If someone does attack us, what will you do?"

He seemed a little confused at her words, his brow furrowing just slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you...Would you kill them?"

"If they try to hurt you, I would."

He didn't understand the way she frowned and looked away again.

"Does that displease you?" He asked, and watched how she began to fiddle with the straps of her backpack. She nodded without a word, "Why?"

Momoko fell quiet, her eyes still down and her fingers fumbling away. They walked in silence for a moment until she finally found the words.

"I know it's silly, especially with how the world is, but...I don't think anyone deserves to die." She said quietly.

"Not even someone who's trying to kill you?" Gaara asked with a frown which only deepened as she shook her head.

"I just don't think it's right. No matter what that person has done or what they're doing now, I don't think any crime could be worth such a punishment."

It was Gaara's turn to fall quiet, and he seemed to mull over her words. Though he wasn't entirely surprised about her logic, given that she was not a shinobi herself and naturally such a gentle soul, it was still a little strange to hear anyone value life as much as she seemed to. He himself had killed before, for worse reasons than just defense. That was part of the job, part of his responsibilities. Of course he valued life, but even he had his conditions.

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