In Lucius's Arms Again... No Complaints.

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Hermione woke up with a groan, her head was pounding, but the bed she was in was super soft. Slowly she raised her self up and looked around. She was in a nice plane room. The her eyes landed on the person laying next to her. There slept a very naked Snape, he lay on his stomach. She gasped and quietly got up to gather her clothes. All she found were her strapless black lacy bra and knickers. She tried to accio her dress but nothing. Where did my dress go. She thought but not wanting to be there when Snape woke up she left. She walked down the dimly light passageway. She had no idea where she was in the manor but she could not disapperate. It was probably to keep drunken people from splinting their self. She rounded the corner and ran smack into someone.  Big hands grabbed her arms to keep her from falling. She looked up.

"Mr. Malfoy, I'm sorry. I was lost and-" she stopped and realized that she was only on her knickers and bra and her face turned pink.

"Not that I mind but why are you wondering my manor in your knickers?"

"My dress seems to be missing" hermione sighed.

"Were you at the party?" He asked. His hands going to her waist. 

"Looks like you maybe drank a bit to much"

"I did yes"

"And now you lost your dress and are now running around in your knickers"


"And here you are"


Next thing she knew she was being lowered into a filmular bed.


He laid down next to her and pulled her close.

"We should not be doing this" Hermione said

"Why? We are both consenting adults." Lucius asked as his hand gently rubbed her back. 

"To be honest. I was actually- well that is I decided to make my self over to catch Draco's eyes."

"How has that been working out so far?" Lucius laughed.

"Honestly, all I managed to do is catch your eye and Snapes." She huffed.

"Severus? Really?" Lucius laughed.

"Stop" she sat up sitting on her knees. "We both had a few to many drinks that's all"

"You mean that's why you were running around without your dress?" Lucius laughed again. Hermione crossed her arms annoyed. "I'm sorry" he sat up. "Its just you came up during our chat we were having. He mentioned how attractive you were on in that red dress at the  new years party. He wanted to shag you too."

"What a shame he won't remember" she huffed. Half flattered half annoyed.

"So why Draco?" Lucius asked.

"He's confident, sexy and smart.  Not a lot of men his age are like that."

"Interesting" he said as he started to kiss along hermiones jaw to her neck.

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