12. Smile

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After Josh had his, well, not so great moment he didn't show up for a few days. I didn't tell anybody about it. I knew Isabell would go crazy and my brother would too. So I kept quiet and Elijah was gone before anybody came home too. We didn't really talk after. He just watched me dance and glanced over at the sleeping Amber now and then. If I only knew what was going on in his head. But he was great at masking his feelings.

"So, what are you going to wear?"
"But I don't want to go! I am staying home, with Amber remember!"
Isabell looked shocked. "You are going to miss the party of the year? You?! Come one, Blaine says you can bring her, she can sleep upstairs, she will be guarded the whole night. There will be wolves all around!"
"Blaine says" I mocked her rolling my eyes. I sat on my bed Amber lay curled on my chest. "Oh shut up, he is nice!"
"No he is not! He will be the bloody Alpha when all that stuff with Damian is over and done with and I don't want my best friend to be the Luna" I pouted as I looked at the sleeping Amber. "Don't we. We don't want no Luna best friend"
"Oh shut up! We will still start of that dance studio! In the city! He knows I am not going to let my life plan slip just because I have supposedly met the love of my life"
I Looked closely at Isabell's face and saw the look of love on her face. Great she was falling for the guy! But hearing her talk like this gave me hope.
Her dress for the party tonight hung on my closet. It was gorgeous, of course Blaine paid for it. His 'Luna' was his everything. Ugh sickening! Or was I just jealous? Maybe.
You are going little sis!" Liam barged into the room with a big plastic dress bag in his arms. Oh no... he got me a dress. I rolled my eyes. "Why?"
"Because! That's why. Amber will come to, got her something matching look!" He got out an adorable little mint green dress that would probably be a bit to big but it would fit.
"So my dress is that color too?"
"Yes now get up and try it on"

5 minutes later I looked at myself in the mirror. "Okay.. It looks good, but still, I am not going"
"Yes you are you..."
A loud scream was coming from downstairs and all 3 of us looked up and ran out the door. "Mom are you okay!" I called out. Liam had Amber in his arms and I was already looking for an escape route. "Yeah I am fine, just cut my hand not to worry. Her voice was a bit shaky as we walked into the kitchen. Her hand was covered in bright red blood. "Mom!"
"Nope you stay here! You will stain your dress, take Amber" Liam said holding me back and putting Amber in my arms. I saw that Amber was dressed up as well and I sighed.
"Oh, Lillith, you look beautiful" Liam was wrapping my mom's hand with a tea towel but she was looking at me. She even had tears in her eyes.
"Mom don't" I said pouting "I told you this dress would look good on her" Liam said. "Mom paid for it" He said.
Great now I was feeling guilty for not going tonight.
"She doesn't want to go" Liam said with a gleam in his eyes. He had me right where he wanted me.

I know the party was important, every werewolf would be there, even members from other packs would be there. It had a lot to do with finding mates but as well as keeping friends close. Our pack was a small but strong one. We had a good amount of allies. And with our Alpha being replaced soon there would be loads of packs who wanted to get to know Blaine. So it was important for Isabell to go as well. For me, no point!
"All alright here?"
Of course, Elijah stepped into the kitchen as well. "Yes, I was just being silly" My mom said smiling. "Elijah, don't you think Lillith should go to the party, her dress looks stunning"
I couldn't believe that Isabell just said that. If looks could kill she would be dead by now.
Elijah looked at me noticing my frustrtation wich made him smile slightly. "You look beautiful, you should go" i just shook my head pulled my dress up and walked back to my room.
"They are all crazy, they really think it would be fun to show up with everybody knowing i gave my mate up and your daddy being.... Well sort of not around" Amber just looked at me while i talked to her and got her out of that frilly dress. And then for the first time she smiled at me.
"Oh my gosh!" No it was my turn to scream. My shocked face made Amber even smile brighter and reach out for me.
"Oh baby, look at you getting al big!" I didn't even hear the whole bunch getting upstairs until the yanked the door open. "Amber smiles!" I looked at them seeing al concerned looks for a second but then only smiles. "Really?" Isabell said coming forward looking at Amber.
"Is my little girl smiling then?"
And again a bright smile shone on my beautiful baby's face. Mom and Liam came forward to and they were all up in Ambers face to see her smile.
I looked up over their heads because I knew he was there to. Elijah stood in the door with that same sad look on his face. But as I looked at him he smiled back at me. It was incredibly weird the thing we had going on at the moment. He knew he was Ambers father, there was no doubt about that but still he kept his distance. He didn't seem angry, or anything. Just sad. And of course very protective of her... but over me as well. But not possessive like any other werewolf would be over his child. Then why did Elijah keep his distance?

"Elijah knows he is her father... doesn't he?"
Everybody had left my room except Isabell who was trying on her own dress. An amazing and damn expensive one of course. As a future Luna she had to look the part. Her dress was blood red and looked amazing on her. She felt a little uncomfortable though. I could see that. But before I could see anything she started talking about Elijah.
I nodded looking at my dress that was hanging on the closet now.
"I think he sort of has feelings for you though?"
"Sorry, What!?" I didn't expect that and I looked at Isabell in shock. "What makes you think that"
"The way he looked at you in that dress" She pointed out the dress.
"Well he should rethink his feelings because I don't have them for him"
Isabell grinned "Yeah... of course" But she dumped the subject knowing I wouldn't want to talk about it.

"There is this one thing... You need to go to the party" She said with a very guilty look on her face. "You know I am not..."
"I kind of told Blaine we would dance"
My mouth dropped open "You got to be kidding me right!" I said.
She shook her head. "No, we got talking about dancing and the plans you and I have for the future. He wants to see what we can do before he lets me go. I told him he could suck it if he thought that I would just do anything he wants, But I kind of do want to show him how fucking good we are" She showed a slight smile. She clearly hoped that I wanted to do the same. Show the whole friggin town why I left. I wanted that of course but not now!
"Isabell, I am out of shape, from that last time I had a sore body for 3 days. I had a baby 7 weeks ago!"
"Nah you will be fine!" Isabell said like it was nothing. But I could see she didn't think this one through. But I sighed deeply and shook my head. "But yes, It would be funn to rub it in their faces that I did awesome without a bloody mate! Gosh I would love to see the look on Joshes face if I kill it on the dancefloor."
"What about him?"
I looked at Isabell doubting If I should tell her but I felt like telling her. So I told her about Josh and his threat of keeping me here. She responded as I had expected. She was capable to get up go to him and hit him right in the face. But I kept her from it. I told her we had to do some practicing if we wanted to do a good job tonight.

"Strong Independent ladies here! We don't need no men and we will show them!" Isabell said with a bright smile on her face. We would kill it tonight!

Not much happening in this chapter but the next one should be fun. :) Let me know what you think and please vote :D

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