24. Ending's and beginnings

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I didn't follow the fight, I didn't even want to. I was so scared Damian would kill Elijah. I could hardly think about what was happening I almost blacked out until a wolf appeared next to me trying to chew down the ropes. I tugged and pulled along until I was free and when I was I immediately grabbed the small knife of the bedside table. The wolf pushed me to the door but I ignored him and passed him I ran like a madmen right into Elijah and Damian fighting. I had never seen Elijah as a wolf but black would definitely be his color. And he was extremely big. Almost like an Alpha. 
Stubborn as I was I wasn't letting Elijah do this on his own. I was right out reckless at this point. After all Damian had put me through I had to hurt him. I just had to. Without thinking, still human and still in my underwear I jumped right in with a scream of anger lashing at Damian with the knife. 
I only scratched him making him even more angry. He attacked me and his teeth sank into my upper leg causing me to scream in pain. Elijah grabbed Damian's neck making him to let go of me but Damian yanked himself loose and got a hold of the most sensitive spot in Elijah's neck. A short moment he let out a cry of pain. While the wolf from before tried to push me away from the fight again I knew this was my chance to get Damian because if he wanted to kill Elijah he had to hold this grip. I jumped once more and sank the small knife into Damian's back and after that his neck. Blood started poring out and he let Elijah go yelping in pain and attacking me again. His teeth sank into my waist as I tried to get away. He smacked me to the ground ready to attack again but this time his grip on my leg weakened.  
I kicked free from his grip and looked back to see him lying on the ground with Elijah having a firm grip on him. He looked at me and growled one last time before he died. At that point I blacked out too. 

"It's a miracle she is still alive " 
"I know, I just wished she had left. This was not her job to fix."
"I saved your ass didn't I" I muttered slowly opening my eyes. Elijah was on the side of my bed joined by Blaine. He would have been the last person I had expected here. I tried to push myself up but Elijah stopped me. "Don't your still pretty bead up. That drug he gave you messed with your werewolf side and you can't heal like you should" 
"Oh... fun" I muttered lying back down. I saw I was back at the penthouse in the bedroom they gave me. There were a few new things... a monitor I seemed to be hooked on too with some tubes and an IV. 
"You are such a stubborn little she-wolf" Blaine said shaking his head. He looked pale and I just knew he had been crying. Josh had been his best friend so I could understand that. 
"Oh fuck of" I said gruffly. 
"I will get her" Blaine said and I frowned... why would he do that but whatever. I wanted to see if my baby was okay and then sleep. My whole body was sore... This seemed to be a normal thing for me now. Would I ever be able to just have a normal life?
When Blaine left Elijah bend over and kissed my lips softly. "I am so sorry Lill" He whispered. His eyes looked watery too. Why would he cry? For me? "There were a shit load of vampires and suddenly you and Damian were just gone. The hotel he was in was surrounded by those bloodsuckers too. I don't know how he got those friends but we will figure it out. I promise" He stroke the hair out of my face and kissed me again. "I am never letting you go again" 
I couldn't help but smile and softly kiss him back. "Well you should marry her the don't you" 
Elijah was right back up and I looked at Isabell in complete shock. "What... how are you here?" I asked. 
"Lill, you have been out for 4 days!" Isabell sat down on the other side of the bed holding Amber in her arms. "3 days?" I repeated and looked at Elijah who nodded. "Yeah, first it looked like you wouldn't make it. That is why everybody is here. Then you started to recover and get stronger. Liam is still here just like Blaine and Isabell. Your parent's couldn't stay. They took Josh back home." I looked away from him when he said his name. "His parent's must hate me... Blaine must hate me" I muttered. 
"Definitely not!" Isabell disagreed. "Josh was out of his mind knowing you were here. He talked the alpha into getting you back... Your parents... well especially your dad agreed with him. They just had no idea what happened to you with Damian. I mean... I didn't know because you refused to tell me" 
Isabell looked pretty hurt saying that. I just didn't want to bother her with all the shit and pain Damian and Summer had put me through. 
"I won't apologize for it" I told her and she rolled her eyes. "Of course not" Elijah grunted. 
"Let me hold my baby" I ordered next. I didn't want to talk about it. "Maybe it better if you-"
"No it's not better if I wait or whatever" I said and ignoring the pain I pushed myself up. Elijah put a few pillows in my back so I would have some support. 
"God... why are you so stubborn" Isabell muttered carefully handing me my daughter.
I said nothing to that and just looked at Amber who was awake and smiled brightly seeing me. "Hey baby" I whispered. It did hurt holding her. Why... I had no idea but I hardly knew what I was recovering from. "Hope you didn't miss me to much" I touched her tiny nose and her hand came up to hold my finger.
"She didn't" Isabell grinned. I looked up to see her looking at Elijah. "He put her right next to you every day when she slept.  He spend almost every minute next to you the past days... I think he hardly slept" 
Elijah turned red and stood up. "I will... get you some food" He muttered and left the room. Isabell started laughing. "He is adorable. I never knew he could be. You should hear him talking to Amber when he think's nobody is listening" 
I couldn't help but giggle. "You know" I said softly "He says he has been in love with me since we had that night together" 
"I think maybe even longer" 
"Yeah... I talked to Lena... love her by the way... she should teach fighting at our school. But she know's Elijah pretty well and Nolan too. They told me some very interesting stuff" 

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