16. Not going anywhere

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It wasn't to hard to leave the hospital. I now knew the neighborhood I was in and with an excuse of being robed I managed to get a bus ride home. I knew Damian would come and look for me there but it was still early in the evening and usually when he was gone he was gone the whole day. I just had to try. I would have a quick look. I knew our neighbor had a spare key and would let me in. If Damian had been there the door would have been broken in and I would get out as quick as I could. I just had to get my passport, money. I would be nowhere without that.

"Lillith! What are you doing here... how"
"I am sorry Rose but I have to hurry. Could you please lend me the key? Amber needs a feed and plans were completely messed up." I interrupted her before she could ask any questions. "Yeah of course, but honey, I thought..."
"Thank you so much Rose. I will throw it in your mail box. Bye"
I couldn't wait and talk to my older neighbor. She was about 40 and an awesome lady. She helped us with all sorts of paper work for the studio that was a big space underneath our apartments. Nothing looked like it was broken into so I hoped it was safe. I took the key from Rose who still looked at me in shock and passed to our front door. Now I had to just hope Isabell didn't come home. I held Amber close with one arm as I slowly and silently opened up the 2 locks on our door. We didnt live in a rough neighborhood but safety was everything, especially with a baby.
Everything inside was silent so I locked the door behind me and took a deep breath. All I wanted to do now was fall to my knees and cry. I couldn't do that. There was no time for rest. Only time to get clean clothes, money and stuff for Amber. I ran to my room lying Amber in her bed for a second getting out of some clothes I was wearing to the hospital. To say I looked horrible was an understatement. There was blood everywhere. That they didn't call the cops on me on the bus... And what must Rose have though. They did give Amber a clean romper and a white pair of tiny pants and shirt. I had this white hospital gown but I could hardly walk around in that. I did steal a black jacket that I had worn on the bus so maybe that Covered most of it. I took out a clean pair of jeans and stuffed another pair in a big bag. Together with underwear and a few tops. I put on a black t-shirt and went up to the dresser that held all of Amber's stuff. I randomly got most of her rompers and a shit load of diapers. I didn't want to spend A whole lot of money on things I could bring myself.
"formula" I muttered realizing we had a stockpile of that too. I couldn't bring to much because it took way to much space but I could bring one or 2 packs. I rushed to the kitchen and was already reaching out for the kitchen cabinet when something hooked behind my leg which made me smack to the floor.
"What are you doing here little bitch" A low voice spoke. My sense of smell said enough. He was a werewolf. I didn't recognize the scent... was it one of Damian's friends?
"This is my house you asshole!" I growled and turned to see who was talking. He was a big guy, dark skin and even darker eyes.
"Your house? How... shit you are really her. Fuck" He was with me, pulling me up within a second. "Don't touch me! Leave!" I warned him stepping back pulling free from his arms.
"No way. I have orders. If I would find you, you would come with me."
"I will not go back to Damian! And I will kill you if you try to touch me again." He raised his eyebrows and I could even see a crooked smile. "Sweety, you wouldn't be able to hurt me one bid... but you don't have to because I wont bring you to Damian.
"Don't you dare Sweety me! And I still I am not going anywhere with you. Orders or not." He shook his head and sighed. "I take my orders from Blackwell honey, and if he says you are coming. You are coming. So go get your stuff and let's go before Damian does get here"
"I don't know any Blackwell" I told him without moving. Who was Blackwell? It wasn't our alpha.
"Now get your little ass moving. Or do you need my to carry you?" This man was frustrating me to the bone. I thought about escaping my eyes flashing to the door.
He saw that and rolled his eyes. "You can't outrun me... trust me." He told me. He was probably right. And of course i wasn't leaving Amber. "Who is Blackwell?" I asked gruffly getting the formula out of the cabinet and walked back to my bedroom. "None of your concern" he answered as he followed me. "And what if I refuse to come?" I shoved all my stuff in my bag and walked up to my own dresser for my hidden cash and passport. Isabell and me always had some for emergencies. "I will carry you... And your kid" he leaned over the crib to look at Amber. By the sounds she was making I knew she was waking up and ready for a drink. "You are not touching my baby!" I snapped and growled softly. My wolf was still on the surface, my eyes were probably almost black because I was on guard all the time. "Honey..."
"Stop calling me honey!" I yelled in frustration. I hated those stupid nicknames. Damian and Summer kept calling me and Amber all those things and it seriously made me feel sick to my stomach now.
He finally shut up and his grin disappeared as well.
"I just want to get as far away from Damian as possible. I need to get as far away as possible. Just let me go. Tell them you couldn't find me. Whatever, I really don't care but I need to go"
Amber had started crying because of my screaming and I threw the bag I just zipped up with everything in it over my shoulder. The last thing I got was another sling that I wrapped around me to put Amber in. The guy stayed silent while I did this but started speaking as soon as I turned back to him.
"I can't do that Lillith" He answered carefully. "I have orders. I have to obey them. You will be safe. Damian and Summer won't be able to get to you" How did he know my name? How did he know about Damian and Summer? I had no Idea who he was. Or who this Blackwell Alpha was he probably worked for. Tears started making their way down my cheeks. "I don't want to be locked up again" I whispered cursing my crying. I didn't want to show weakness. "You and your baby will be safe, not locked up." He gave me a small smile but I could see he felt awkward with me crying.
I bit my lip. I wasn't ready to give in and I shook my head. "No. I am not coming!" I didn't care if he had orders from whatever Alpha. Even if it had been my own. Damian was a dangerous man with even more dangerous connections. I wasn't getting more people in danger. I walked to my door with firm steps "And I will scream if you touch me. Trust me my neighbor will call the cops." I heard a frustrated grunt and heard his footsteps following me. He didn't touch me but seemed set on staying with me and probably convincing me to come anyway. I was ready to close the door when I heard footsteps downstairs were the studio was. My heart stopped for a second and I breathed in deeply. Immediately I jumped back into my apartment followed by the man who worked for Blackwell. I locked the door and couldn't breath. "Is it him?" I could only nod slowly. I heard him coming up the stair.
"You have been a bad girl Lillith" My legs almost gave in hearing his voice so close. It was over. I was done for it. I couldn't fight him now. Before I could move a muscle the man of whom I still had no clue who he was took me in his arms. He did it carefully like I was made of glass. I didn't fight him this time. I just wrapped my arms protectively around Amber who was perfectly quiet like she knew what was happening and shut my eyes.

I had no idea how he got us out of there but he did. The last words I heard from Damian still echoed in my ears. "You will pay for what you did Lillith! I will"
I didn't hear what he would do but I could figure that out perfectly by myself. I was still in some deep trouble.

The Ghosts of my Past   [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن