Authors Quick Note

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Authors Quick Note:

Please read, you don't have to but I really want you guys to know how much of an impact you guys can make.

This is my first story on Wattpad and there are probably lots of mistakes that I have overlooked if any of you see a mistake or have an idea that could make the scene better please comment on it. I will accept all criticism but I will not accept any hate. I also would like to mention to be careful in your comments, not because of how it will affect me but how it would affect others.

There would be songs attached to each chapter that would either be in the Nightcore version or in the original. I will write the song and the artist below it along with the channel if it's a Nightcore.

The photo cover has been edited by me but I don't own the original. I've been trying to find to artist/owner of the picture but I can not find it so if anyone of you lovely people out there happens to know, please comment on it so I can give them proper credit.

This is the original photo:

I do not own many of the characters, those are owned by the creator of the anime, Horikoshi

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I do not own many of the characters, those are owned by the creator of the anime, Horikoshi. I may or may not be adding an O.C. but don't worry, I know how a lot of people feel about them but this O.C. has to be here in order for things to make sense and they won't come often.

There will be trigger warnings placed in some chapters regarding language, actions being made, mention of blood, graphic details, and even breakdowns/panic attacks. If there are any moments that aren't mentioned here but can trigger people I will add trigger warnings.

I will be reading a lot of the comments (if you guys do comment at all) so if you guys comment theories, I may or may not use them. I of course will credit the person at the beginning of the chapter even if it's just inspired by the comment and not the actual comment.

I do have a few 'ships' in here, for example Bakugo and Kirishima but I won't make the story only about those two. I will try to include as many characters as many times as I can that will fit in the story. If you guys have a favorite character I will make sure not to kill them off (lol reader joke) and I will try to add them to the story as much as I can. There are other ships too land if you don't like them that's fine but don't attack others on it. You can say you don't like a ship but told say bad things about the person.

Edit: hello there everyone. future me here. the last part (don't bully others for their ships) can be overruled if the person ships something illegal such as Aizawa x Bakugo.

About uploading I will try to upload as much as I can around once or twice a week but because of school, and I am going to be going in-person I may be a bit late or not even update at all that week but if I do miss a week I will make the chapter that was supposed to be updated, longer. I'm also sorry if the chapters that I wrote are short I personally have a hard time explaining things. I always seem to give the wrong message and I'm trying my best not to here.

I don't have an exact ending, which is probably really bad but if you guys have any ideas you are more than welcome to share and as I said before, I will give you credit at the last chapter or whenever the idea starts then finishes.

Also, all right reserved. Please, do NOT publish my story on your account even if you do give credit. Please don't steal anything of mine, if you have an idea/is inspired by something that's fine but if you want to take a piece that was clearly from my book ask me for permission. I may or may not give it to you but if I do, please credit me.


WHAT IF I'M HIM [Under Revision]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang