Chapter Eleven; Mashirao Ojiro

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Song Title: Primal             

Artist: Neffex  (They are my top favorite artists) 



It was dark now, everyone got back to the dorms hours ago and from what Mina told Kirishima, none of the teachers for any of the classes came. The boys never left the dorm room in fear the same thing would happen again and as much as the two like spending time together, they need to get out of the room. Bakugo groaned, "Fuck this. I'm leaving."

"Wait," Kirishima caught him by the arm. "What if you panic again or, or what if you can't breathe like me!"

"Yeah, well I'm fucking hungry and I'm not fucking staying in this shit hole any longer!"


"You can fucking stay inside if you want! I will even bring you food but I'm fucking leaving!" Kirishima let go of his hand and Bakugo walked towards the door, turning the door handle he looked at Kirishima. "Move back." Kirishima complied, moving farther into the room, he kept an eye on Bakugo as he opened the door and stepped out. He stumbled a little as he walked out, "Fuck!"

"You okay? Come back!"

"I'm fine Shitty hair! Just got up too fast," he pondered whether to close the door or leave it open. He checked his pockets to make sure he had his phone, which he did, "Call me if anything goes to shit, got it?" Kirishima nodded and Bakugo closed the door. He headed down the hall and into the elevator. He waited as the elevator went down but stopped at the third floor, walking Kaminari.

"Hey, Kacchan!" Kaminari exclaimed. "You are here to see me, I see." He giggled.

"Dumbass, I'm not fucking here to see your bitch ass!"

"Ouch, that hurt." He put his hand to his heart and gave a smile. Bakugo rolled his eyes, he started to feel dizzy again. He wanted to walk out of the doors, he couldn't be in there any longer but the doors closed in his face. He started to breathe heavily but tried to conceal it. "So," Kaminari said and he moved closer to stand next to the blond, "How's Kirishima?" Bakugo coughed.

"Shitty hair?" He coughed again, "What about him?"

"Oh my god, he was acting so fucking weird today! Like, after he came back from calling you he kept like, ignoring me. Me! His best fucking friend! He even fucking smacked my hand! Like, what the fuck?" Kaminari continued to rant and Bakugo's eyes started to water. His coughing got worse and he held onto the long handle attached to the wall, "Hey are you good?" He didn't have time to answer because the second the doors opened he stumbled, falling to his knees putting both of his hands in front of him. His throat burned, he still could breathe but it hurt.

"Oh my god!"

"Bakugo! Are you okay?"

"Someone get water!"

"Is that blood?"

"Holy shit!"

Bakugo opened his eyes and saw that there was indeed blood, it was splattered all over the floor in front of him. "Yeah! He's coughing up blood!" He heard Mina screech on the phone. "Kiri! What even happened? Come down here!"

"N-" he tried speaking between coughs but more blood would come out. He can taste the iron, Disgusting. "Don't- fucking- let him-come!"


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