Chapter Ten; Eijiro Kirishima

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Song: Broke                                                                                                                           Artist: Nico Collins 

Nightcore Channel: S A R C A S T I C 



Kirishima sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. He looked around the hallway, he felt so uneasy about the day. He walked around in circles in the hall right outside his classroom door. If he could take as much time as he could out of that room he would, it felt so suffocating. He sighed again. He can't stall much longer, he needs to get his things so he could go to see Bakugo. He walked up to the door and slid it open.

"Bro!" Kaminari shouted. "What took so long? You were talking with Kacchan right?" Midoriya's head perked when he heard someone mention Bakugo's nickname.

Kirishima scratched the back of his head and closed his eyes, "Yeah...apparently Yaoyorozu and those guys went over to his dorm for some reason, I don't know." He walked over to his desk and the group watched him.

"I'm hungry," Mina complained as she tilted her chair back. Her eyes snapped open and she flew forward, the legs of the chair slamming the floor. She had a spark in her eyes. "Wanna go get food?"

"This class is almost over then we have another one," Sero pointed out. "I don't really think we have time to go get-"

"We can skip!" Mina said loudly. Sero and Kaminari 'shushed' her and Jiro smacked

her arm. Mina winced and looked around the classroom. She leaned, putting a hand next to her mouth, whispering, "We can skip." Sero shook his head with a small smile and blush on his face. Kaminari flew back, laughing and Jiro rolled her eyes with a smile as well.

Kirishima threw his backpack over his shoulder, only wearing one of the straps. "Hey, man!" Kaminari called. "Where are you going?" Kirishima frowned and averted his gaze from the boy. He couldn't help it, Kaminari kept making him uneasy and it hurt Kirishima to avoid him. Kaminari is his best bro.

"I'm uh, gonna go see Bakugo," he answered looking at the floor. Kaminari wasn't laughing anymore. He had a serious and concerned look on his face but Kirishima couldn't tell, just that it got quiet between the group.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kaminari asks. Kirishima nodded and turned to walk to the door when Kaminari grabbed his arm. "Wait, hold up!" Kirishima gasped and smacked his arm out of Kaminari's grasp.

Eijiro's eyes widened, "Ah, s-sorry I-" He tried to keep eye contact with Kaminari but failed. "I gotta go. Bakugo is waiting for me." He went to the door which was still open and turned back to look at the group, "I'll see you guys later." And with that, he closed the door shut and made his way down the hall.

"What just happened?" Jiro asked, stunned. Mina was frozen with confusion and Sero glanced at Kaminari who showed anger and offense.

"What. The. Fuck."

"Maybe he's just not having a good day today," Sero suggested. Mina snapped back out of her state and looked towards him.

"Maybe," she whispers.

"He just-" Kaminari trailed off. "He just fucking smacked me! What the fuck?" Sero stood up behind Kaminari and put a hand on his shoulder. "He smacked me! Sero, he fucking-" He stopped himself and looked back at the door. If Kirishima paid more attention, he would've understood it wasn't Kaminari that was making him uneasy.

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