Chapter Twenty-Four; S.M.D.M.E

74 6 37

Title: Rabbit Hole

Artist: AViVA

Channel: 없어서 만든 플레이리스트

Trigger warning! Swearing, mentions of blood, threats, passing out.

If I made any spelling/grammar mistakes, please correct me. I always seem to have them no matter how many times I go over it.


"**** ***** *******"

All that was heard was Kaminari's hics and Bakugo's whispers. Kirishima wanted to speak up, to ask Bakugo if he was okay but the look Todoroki had on his face and him glancing at the driver was enough to keep him quiet.

Another set of hics were heard. "Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes." Bakugo repeated instead.

I want to be next to him, Kirishima stated in his mind. I should have sat there instead of Todoroki. Kirishima rubbed his hand against Kaminari's back. His hair fell in front of his eyes and blew it past him, he sighed regretting not putting his hair up this morning.

Kirishima felt strange like he was floating. It was almost as if he was dreaming, everything that happened today happened so fast. Just a few hours ago Bakugo was laying on a hospital bed, unresponsive. Now, he was chanting a classmate's address in order to -what Kirishima hoped was to help him concentrate and not crush them.

They were on the highway again, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu both have big houses that are private and so of course they wouldn't be in any normal suburb or city location. Kirishima was one of the few students in Class 1-A that hadn't seen Yaoyorozu's house, Kirishima was getting tutored by Bakugo so there was no reason for him to get tutored by her.

    Out of everyone in the car, only Kirishima and Bakugo haven't been to her house. Kaminari did tell him once after getting tutored how big her house was. Kirishima had seen two big houses in his life, Bakugo's and Todoroki. He was very nervous and a stressed mess.

He just wanted to stay at Bakugo's house for a few days until his parents came back, not to get attacked. He just wanted to visit Bakugo, not have the hospital lose power and him losing consciousness. He just wanted to stay at the dorms with Bakugo. Side by side. Maybe even confessing, Kirishima thought, but Bakugo had to run, Kaminari had to call.

    "All because I am still here."

    Kirishima looked startled. Todoroki moved closer to the door, his eyes locked on the blond. Shoji had to cover Kaminari's mouth to keep him from screaming. Shoji had taken off his seat belt to properly wrap his arms around Kaminari so he didn't thrash around and get them all hurt. Kaminari's muffled screams were still heard as he huddled closer into Shoji's side.

    "Bakugo," Todoroki started. A tired laugh came from the blond, easily anyone would've pitied him.

    "My head hurts."

    That's all that was said. The rest of the car ride, Kaminari leaned on Shoji, hugging one of his arms. Todoroki held onto the handle of the ceiling of the car and Kirishima had placed his hand around the seat and onto Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo didn't repeat anything. Didn't say anything, it was quiet.

    After another turn, they had finally made it to Yaoyorozu's street. The tall fence stretched throughout the whole street on both sides of the street. Trees branches hung over the fences, their petals and leases blowing and some falling.

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