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Hello, everyone!

It has been a really long time. I want to thank everyone that has stuck with this story. I am so grateful for all of you. I know it has been so long but there was someone who was able to bring me back and I decided to created a new story.

It's not really new but a re-write of this story. When I came back to this, I didn't really remember what I wrote so I went to re-read and my lord was I awful at writing. Now, I don't think I improved so much that I am Stephen King, but I like to think I improved enough that my stories are readable.

I will be keeping this story up for those that want to read the original. For what reason? I don't know. I don't think I had a bad idea just not that great of an execution. I did make a few small little changes to the story. Not that big. I would never make such drastic changes.

Anyway, the new story will not be continued here. It will be posted both AO3 and on Wattpad on a different book. It is still going to be referred as the same titled What if I'm him? On AO3, the account name would be exyna instead of TakeThePride.

I hope you guys like it.

Love you,


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