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I know you all know that recently I had posted a chapter about my bio having BLM (Black Lives Matter) and STOP ASIAN HATE PETITIONS. 

I had added more petitions and places to donate money (if you can). Please go and sign at least a few of them. I don't know which communities have been reading this story but it doesn't matter, these petitions are to help others. If anyone has any petitions that you feel need to be spread light on, please share them. 

I'm very sorry if I come off as arrogant, I don't mean to come off that way but I really do want to help these people that have been hurting, and currently, in my position, I can't do much as I want. I know many of you might feel the same way I do, with not being able to help the way you wish to but as long as you can sign/share these petitions in any way you can, I'm sure it would mean a great deal. 

For those of my readers that are part of these two communities that have currently been under all this fire/backlash, please stay safe. I understand that there are things that I wouldn't be able to understand but I can sympathize, if you ever need to vent about anything, anything, my messages are always checked. I have many other places to chat as well if you don't like it on this app's messaging. 

Of course, anyone that needs to vent can come. Everyone is welcome, and my page is always a safe place for people. Now, understand when I mean my page is a safe place for everyone, it is but if I see anyone giving hate towards others or start anything inappropriate I won't hesitate to put hell on your ass. 

Back on track, please sign the petitions and share them with others. Please, everyone, look out for one another. 

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