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Hello fair readers,

Before you start on this journey with me, let's get a few things clear shall we?

This book was mainly inspired by the song "I built a friend" by Alec Benjamin.

You will notice that the titles of the chapters contain lyrics of the song, but they don't necessarily correspond with the content of said chapter.

I have also omitted a few repetitive lyrics to avoid confusion, but may add one in the end for, let's say, a dramatic flair :)

Of course, I do not own the song, nor do I own BTS or any pictures I use in this story (if I own a picture I will make note of it). I only hold a claim over the storyline and main character. If this story somehow seems similar to another author's book, first drop the name cause I'm interested lol. Second, it is a coincidence as when I started this book, i have not read any book inspired by "I built a friend" nor any soulmate story that goes quite like this one.

This is a polyamory story, so if you are uncomfortable with such stories, I suggest you exit this story now.  

If you have chosen to stay, I would like to say that personally, I suck. There will be a lot of grammar mistakes, and some minor plotholes, that I will try my best to smoothen.

Now, before I completely spoil the whole thing, let's start our journey, in the world of A Piece to Call Her Own.

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