Chapter 29: Fall of the Sun

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All right, before we get into the action I have something to say: Listen to the song during the final scene without crying, I dare you.

Oh Styx, Jacob thought when he saw they were before the Olympian Council, and a very smug looking Annabeth. Wheels started turning in his head, if they were here for Percy then they had to get him out at all costs.

"Periplanómenos, you have been brought before the council today because some evidence has been leveled against you that names you an enemy to Olympus," Zeus stated.

"Then your evidence is wrong!" Percy exclaimed. "I am not, nor ever have been, an enemy to the gods!"

"You are a traitor, Perseus Jackson!" Zeus thundered. "And you shall be treated as such!" The four demigods froze at the mention of Percy's name.

"No," Jacob protested. "Percy is dead!"

"Deaths can be faked," Athena coldly rebutted. "Especially when a child of Hecate is involved."

Percy glanced at Jacob who shook his head, but Percy ignored him and took off the sunglasses anyways. "So what if I did fake my death," Percy questioned. "It was only because she was trying to kill me."

"You would have had no reason to run if you did nothing wrong," Athena stated.

"You're kidding me, right?" Percy questioned in disbelief. "The campers, your children, were trying to kill me over a bunch of lies. Surely you must see that!"

"Enough games!" Zeus roared. "We know that you were a traitor and a spy during the Titan War and the Giant War!"

"What?" Percy exclaimed.

"That's not true, Percy has been nothing but loyal to Olympus!" Jacob protested.

"And how would you know that, demigod?" Athena interrogated.

"Because I made the mistake of believing Kronos' lies! I was the spy, not Percy!" Jacob stated, causing murmuring around the council for those that had not known this information. "But Percy made me see the error of my ways. So, if anyone should be punished it should be me!" The council members glanced around, some looking uncertain. Apollo, Artemis, and Poseidon looked downright furious at the situation, though.

"Noble, but foolish," Athena said. "We know that there were many spies, and that Perseus was merely the ringleader. The council thanks you for your confession, now there is one less traitor for us to track down." Jacob paled, now he understood Annabeth's plan. She discredited Percy, and now she seeks to remove those still loyal to him.

Annabeth looked on smugly when Zeus started speaking again. "The council has voted, and by a majority decided to punish any and all traitors brought before us," he said, glaring down at the small demigods. "I would have loved to sentence you to an eternity in Tartarus, but alas, that requires a unanimous vote," he sighed before glaring at Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis in turn.

"No, father, you can't do this!" Thalia protested. "They're innocent!"

"I will do what I please, daughter. I am the King of the gods and Lord of the Heavens, I shall do as I see fit!" Zeus thundered back at Thalia, causing her to shrink away. Zeus then rose and drew out his lightning bolt. "By order of the council the traitors Perseus Jackson and Jacob Firth are sentenced to an eternity in the Olympian Prison!"

Zeus prepared to throw, and Jacob's mind went into overdrive. Seeing no other option, he tried something truly desperate. "Lord Jupiter, is this how you would treat a hero of Rome? Or you Lady Juno, or you Lord Mars?" he shouted at the gods. "Be prepared to run," Jacob whispered to his friends, as Annabeth narrowed her eyes.

The Male Hunter | Olympus' Traitor #1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin