Love in War - Chapter 18: An Imperial Burden

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While he'd never admit to it, the princesses could see the toll Mei's actions had taken on their father as well. He'd make every excuse and play it off as if he couldn't care less, but whenever a potential scout would enter his sight, he'd rush to interrogate them, desperate for any news as to his daughter's whereabouts. He may have been harsh on them; he may have entrusted them with an extreme amount of responsibility, but he still loved them so.

Ting Ting could see changes occurring all around her, and it worried her greatly. Su had lost her famous appetite in the days following Mei's disappearance, and seemed to prefer spending most of her days in bed. To make matters worse, their father had become obsessed with making sure her and her sister had no possible means of an escape that they weren't even interested in pursuing. More guards had been assigned to patrol the palace grounds, and on top of that, he had all the guards in the palace reassigned. One could tell this was an act of intention; the emperor didn't want anyone left there who might favor the ambitions of her or Su in the name of comradery, as that may inspire them to bend rules in the girls' favor; however, in that process they had lost many of the dear acquaintances they had amassed over the years. On top of this, the sisters were also placed under a strict curfew and unwavering schedule. Their father wanted to make sure he knew where they were at all times. If this mentality went on, the girls would be left with no freedom at all! Something had to be done.

In an effort to find a solution, Ting Ting asked that she redesignate some of her allocated studying and free time to be spent alongside her father as he managed diplomatic affairs. He saw no problem with her request as it placed her directly under his watch, so he agreed. Ting Ting hoped to use this time to potentially get some words in with him along with ease his burden of decision making and help to set the man's mind at ease. If she could do that, perhaps she could make life better for Su again; she had already lost one sister, she didn't want to lose another.

The next day, Ting Ting entered the war room timidly and found herself arriving in the midst of an argument between one of the empire's leading military officials and her father as council member Chi Fu took notes of all the important exchanges that occured.

"Your Majesty, I know the search for your daughter is of your highest personal priority, but you can't simply ignore the grave dilemma that grows closer to us with each passing day!" the man yelled with a fist slammed onto the table, knocking down multiple stationed figurines on the battle map.

"As a father, my family's safety must always take the most urgency in my schedule. How can I be expected to protect my people if I can't even protect my own daughters?"

"But you are putting the lives of your citizenry with each passing..." the man stopped himself as he grew aware of Ting Ting's presence.

"Please continue," the princess urged.

"What is she doing here?" the man asked in a deep voice to the Emperor, addressing her as if she weren't there.

"I am here to lend my mind to protecting my people," Ting Ting asserted.

"A war room is no place for a princess, or a woman in general," the official scoffed.

"Excuse me!?" she felt heat rush to her face at the statement, "I've been raised to run this nation since I was small. I've studied our history, the great generals and the corrupted, the battles won and lost, and need I remind you that China's greatest hero of our time is none other than the renowned woman, Fa Mulan?! I understand war as well as anyone you've ever had seated in this room!"

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