"I want to," Pep sighed. "Just haven't thought about how to as yet." Pep sat in the far corner on an iron stool watching Rayuga. 

"How could you betray me? I thought you loved me." Pep's locs were bothering her so she decided to put her hair up in a bun, she was supposed to be at a salon appointment, at least that's what she told Tash.

"How could anyone love you?" Rayuga asked, "You're so poisonous. You behave like a cult leader." 

"Didn't you love me?" Pep stood up from the stool and walked over to the light so that Ray could see her.

"I still love you and I hate myself for it. Nothing survives around you." Rayuga didn't have any more tears to cry, she had forgotten how long she had been locked up for with no sunlight, the same food every day, and nothing but her thoughts to keep her company.

"That's not true," Pep's emotional state was fragile, she had been fighting with herself for the longest while, she wasn't able to sleep at nights and felt herself zoning out more than usual. 

Pep had decided to keep Rayuga locked in a warehouse she owned that was closer to the docks, had bodyguards on duty, and a caretaker to ensure she had everything she needed. Pep spent long hours at the warehouse talking to Rayuga, she had lied to Tash every time about her business for the day and even became more secretive. Around this time, Pep had changed her phone, the passwords to her accounts and also started conducting more meetings away from her usual office in the city. 

 Pep knelt beside Rayuga and touched her forehead, she watched as she flinched away, "I'm not going to hurt you." Pep sighed.

"You've already hurt me." Rayuga tried pulling herself away from Pep. 

The caretaker, following orders from Pep, had given Rayuga a buzzcut. So now, she looked like a younger version of herself. Pep had admired the maturity in Ray's face and the depth her eyes held, she was fond of her from the beginning and felt the same rush she felt when Tash first came along. 

"How's Tash?" Rayuga wiped at her tears with her bare hands. 

"Why'd you do it?" Pep asked.

"Because you hurt people and I was afraid you tried killing Tash for the second time." For the first time since being held captive, Rayuga decided to express more than her hatred for Pep.

"I didn't try to kill her," tears were now steadily streaming down Pep's face as she fell back onto her ass on the concrete floor. "She tried to run away... I tried to stop her and before I knew it there was blood everywhere and I was too afraid to take her to the hospital. I couldn't bear to see her like I saw my mother."

"I didn't think you could cry," Rayuga chuckled.

"Don't fucking patronize me," Pep took her handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her tears. 

"You're just so cold and lifeless," Rayuga shook her head, "Tash said you had changed, that there was something different about you from the first time y'all met."

"And I believed her until I saw the real you, you change when you're around her but you're still the same Pep to everyone else. You suck the life from others, you did it to Tash and you did it to me. You had to break us down and then falsely build us back up so we could think you're some kind of savior... at least Tash still feels that way. I see the real Taidan."

"No.." Pep stood up and started pacing the room, "shut up, shut up, shut up!" Pep screamed. 

"You're no fucking family man! You're no fucking star of the community! Everyone fears you, Taidan!" Rayuga continued mentally assaulting Pep, she knew she was weak and would break soon. 

"Let it out!" Rayuga screamed back, "LET IT OUT YOU MONSTER!" 

Pep quickly marched over to Rayuga to slap her across the face but stopped herself while her hand was mid-air. "You don't know me," Pep whispered.

"Yes, I do." Rayuga sat with her back against the wall. "I think it's time I admit why I really came to St Amrys." Rayuga didn't wait for an answer she just started her story.


Hello my gaybies,

Sept 8 2020 will make 2 years since Cris has been single. Why do we remember the specific date you may ask? 


To celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of singularity, the final chapter will be published on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. 

Not gonna lie, there were times I wanted to break my track record and be in a relationship but then my mind is like, "Woah slow down now, are you comfortable with bringing someone else in this space you have created for yourself? are you even ready? emotionally, mentally? NO? Then sit ya ass back down!" 

So, I agree with myself and here we are :)

If y'all in a relationship, comment how long 

If y'all not in a relationship, comment how long. 


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