Love in War - Chapter 16: The Wedding (Part 1)

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"Now, just don't overthink it, and you'll be fine," Grandma Fa assured her.

Fa Li nodded in agreement before tending to a matter across the room. Mulan's Grandmother seized the opportunity and pulled the young girl close, "And don't listen to a thing that ol' wind bag has to say!"

Mulan looked at her in a bit of fright and confusion, gesturing to her mother, puzzled.

"Not her!" Grandma Fa clarified, "your soon-to-be husband's jerk of a Ma!"

"Oh," Mulan breathed out a sigh of relief, "I will... I mean I won't!"

The woman put on a light-hearted smile before patting the girl on the shoulder, "You've got this... wouldn't hurt for you to have a lucky cricket right about now, though."

As if on queue, a small cricket ran itself down Mulan's arm and perched itself on her finger to greet her.

Mulan couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the occurrence, "This is Cri Kee," she introduced.

After she was settled in her outfit, a small army of girls entered the room to help her with her makeup, while her grandma and mother styled her hair. With everything essentially being done for her, Mulan just had to focus on relaxing - letting things happen. Don't overthink it. It'll be fine.

Meanwhile, outside of the house, a large gathering had amassed. Firecrackers at the ready, and impatient onlookers filled the estate. For now, all eyes were on Shang. Many members of his own family were there as well. Like Mulan's, they'd arrived in the days before and helped to attend to various matters surrounding the festivities. Once he was given the green light, he'd brave the crowd and retrieve Mulan from her room, but for now he found joy mingling. Ling and Chien-Po in particular had proven to be excellent company. His lack of authority over them in that moment proved especially helpful as they poked fun at every aspect of him and offered him various methods of support; one could assume which of the men did what.

"You look ridiculous!"

"Can I get you some water?"

"You sure Mulan actually said yes? You do know she's too good for you, right?"

"Is the crowd too loud? I can try asking them to settle down."

Shang's mother had decided to stay at home to make sure everything was in order for their arrival. At least that's what she told him. His father would be happy for him right now, he just knew it. How he could use his support right now.

"Hi, Shang!" A little voice screamed out of the crowd.

Shang turned to the sound and found Sha-Ron waving at him with a hoard of smiling girls behind her.

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