Niall Knee Surgery (Niam)

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Guess who decided to update... Anyways, this is a request for anonymous. I hope you like it!


Niall winced as he pulled himself out of bed one morning. "You okay?" Liam remarked as he watched the poor boy struggle to stand.

"Not really. Ma knee seems to be acting up again."

"Well good thing you have a check up coming up in a few days."

"Yeah," sighed the blonde boy, "I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just scared I'll have to get surgery again."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that, bub," replied Liam helping Niall stand and head downstairs for the most important meal of the day.

The boys had been on a break for the summer from touring and had rented out a house to stay at during that time.

Once the two boys made in down into the kitchen, Harry immediately noticed Niall's poor state. "Ya alright there Nialler?" he proceeded to ask.

"Not really. His knee's been in quite a bit of pain so far this morning." Liam stepped in.

"Aww, sorry to hear that," Harry said patting his band mate on the shoulder.

"It's fine."

"Well luckily his appointment for it is coming up," added Zayn who had been quietly observing all the action.

"Don't remind me." Niall buried his face in his hands.

"Shh. It's okay boo. Ya know the doctor's only there to help you." Liam gave a reassuring pat.

A few days later, the Irish boy's appointment rolled around. Liam decided it was best if he was the one to go with Niall. The two would be gone the entire day due to the drive's duration of four hours each way. Once they pulled into the parking lot of the office, Liam helped Niall get out of the backseat. He had been in the back so that he could stretch out his legs so that they couldn't cramp from the tedious ride. The two of them then headed inside, were taken back by a nurse, then situated in a small check up room. A few moments later a familiar voice was heard. "Hello boys! Hello Mr. Horan! How are we doing today?" Dr. Jacobs asked.

"Pretty well, thank you," Liam responded.

"Good," Niall mumbled.

"You feeling okay today?" she asked Niall's brief response.

"I guess."

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked again.

"It's just my knee's been acting up again."

"Oh, have no worries! That is why we have you come in for these yearly checkups," said the doctor in her usual sunny voice.

After quite a bit more questioning from Dr. Jacobs and other nurses, they concluded that Niall must get an x-ray to make sure that everything was right and where it needed to be. Unfortunately, they found that, indeed, he had to go through another surgery. Of course, Niall was not fond of this idea and started to cry. "Don't worry honey," Liam stepped in, "it's only gonna make you better."

"I k-know. I'm just s-scared, Li."

"Shh." Liam rubbed Niall's back as he cried into his chest.

"Well that's all for today boys," said Dr. Jacobs. "Sorry you had to leave on such a bad note," she added to Liam.

"No worries. He'll be fine. Have a nice day!"

"You too!"


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