Niall Bussick

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The boys had just finished a show and were on their way to the next tour location. Though the show went really well that night, they were all pretty exausted. Niall in particular was really wanting to get to sleep. He had been the most tired out of all the lads, even Zayn, who loved his sleep. Afterall, he had been doing his famous Horan jumps the whole evening long on stage. "Ah, finally I can get some rest," he thought as he climbed onto the large tour bus. Niall quickly changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, and headed for his bunk. Zayn caught him in the act.

"What ya doing lad?"

"Just a bit tired. Thought I'd go to bed a bit early t'night," Niall answered his band mate.

Zayn looked down at his watch. "It's only like 11:13."

"I know," Niall responded just wanting to get to sleep.

"Okay, well Harry just wanted me to ask you if ya wanted to join us. We're planning on watching that new superhero movie you wanted to watch."

"Um, I'm good. I just wanna get to bed." Zayn was surprised at his mate's response. Niall normally loved his superhero movies. On a normal night, Niall might have stayed up a little later to watch the movie with the boys, but the truth was that the the bus was starting to make him feel a little dizzy.

"You sure?" Zayn asked.

"Yep. Thanks though, Z," giving Zayn a small smile so he wouldn't think that anything was wrong. At first, Niall just wanted to sleep, but all the movement of the bus was just making him feel sicker the longer he stood.

"Okay. See ya in da morning, Nialler."

Niall gave Zayn another little, quick smile before crawling into his bunk.


Trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, Niall tossed and turned in his bunk. The bus was making him feel sicker and sicker with every bump in the road. He was sweating and felt lightheaded. Eventually he found sleep, but it wasn't for long until he was awakened by his stomach cramping. He knew what was coming next.

Niall quickly climbed out of bed which only made him more dizzy and lightheaded then he already was. Trying not to wake his fellow band mates, he stumbled across the bus rapidly making his way to the bathroom.

Once in the tiny bathroom, Niall knelt in front of the toilet knowing what was about to happen. His mouth filled with saliva. He only had to gag a few times before the contents of his last meal spilled into the toilet in front of him.

Pretty soon, after about three minutes of getting sick, Niall heard someone come into the bathroom behind him. Niall couldn't even turn his head to see who it was because he was hit with another round of spewing.

"Hey buddy," a familiar voice said. It was Louis. "What's going on?" He asked, though he obviously knew what was happening. Louis then knelt down beside his unwell mate and started rubbing his back in small circles in attempt to comfort him. While Louis was doing this, he had become aware of how much the poor boy was sweating so after Niall had finished dry heaving for another five minutes or so, Louis flushed away all the contents left in the bowl and then proceeded to take off Niall's T-shirt from the unwell lad to try to cool him down some.

After Niall's shirt had been removed, Niall sank back into Louis' arms letting out a quite sob. "Shh," Louis trying to make his poor friend feel better. "It's okay, Nialler." Niall was shaking now. He was weak and dehydrated. Louis noticed; and after Niall had seemed to calm down a little, he went to go get Niall a glass of water.

When Louis came back with the water and Niall had caught his breath, Niall asked, "how'd you know?"

"Couldn't sleep. I heard you and wanted to make sure you were alright lad."


"So do ya tink ya ate something bad or what?" Louis asked.

"I don't know. I started feeling ill after the bus started moving."

"Aww you poor lad. You must be carsick! Why didn't ya tell us? We could have helped you mate!"

"I guess I just thought it would go away on its own." Niall broke into another sob.

"Hey, hey, hey." Louis wispered sweetly trying to make Niall feel better.
"Actually.... one second," Louis got up and left the tiny bathroom.

Only a few moments later Louis was back with a bottle of pills for Niall. "Here. Try these. Harry sometimes takes these for his motion sickness when we're on the road."

"Thanks." Niall gratefully took the pills from his band mate.

"Mm hm. Now, why don't we get you back to bed. Shall we?"

Niall nodded as the two stood up. Louis wrapped an arm around Niall's waist and Niall did the same with Louis' shoulder.

After helping his mate back into his bunk, Louis asked, "need anything else, Nialler?"


Louis smiled and climbed into Niall's bunk with him. They both ended up falling asleep together and had to fill in the rest of the lads in on what had happened the night before the next morning.


Luckily, Niall felt better the next day and wasn't too sick for the rest of the tour since he knew that he could just take the pills any time he needed them.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked that one. Sorry if it was bad. It's my very first story on here. Also, feel free to make suggestions and such for upcoming stories! Love y'all! Xoxo

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