He's Sick at Work (Niall)

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Okay, it looks like I'm doing the "he's sick at work" series. I hope y'all enjoy reading it! Love ya! Xoxo


~Niall's POV~

I came home from work this evening with a slight headache, but didn't think much of it. Y/n seemed to notice that something was off. "You okay? You're quieter than you normally are."

"Just tired and I got a bit of a headache," I answered as I picked at my salad.

"Okay," y/n said. They didn't seem to worried, which was nice. I honestly really do not enjoy it when people worry about me.

That was about all we said during dinner, though we're normally still blabbering on after we eat about our days and how they went and the latest gossip about the people at our jobs.

After we finished eating, I asked y/n if I could go to bed early.

"You mean right now?" I nodded.

"Oh okay. Go ahead babe. I'll clean dinner up." Y/n smiled, then I disappeared upstairs to our room.

~Your POV~

Niall was acting a little strange tonight. I mean he said he was tired and had a slight headache, but my Niall never seems to be tired and never really gets headaches. We didn't chat much during our meal. He looked exasusted, so when he asked me if he could go lay down, I was not about to not let him of course. The only thing was that I did not want him to see how worried that I was beginning to get, since I know he absolutely hates it when people become concerned about him.

I then quickly cleaned up dinner and put the leftovers away. Another weird thing. Normally we don't have any leftovers. Niall usually eats up everything.

Anyways, after I finished cleaning up, I went upstairs to bed to be with my boyfriend.

~Niall's POV~

When I awoke the next morning my headache seemed to be worse than it was the night before. Plus, not only was my headache worse, but I was also starting to feel quite dizzy and sick to my stomach. Standing up only made it worse and made me feel more lightheaded than I already was. The only thing was that I was not about to wake up y/n and tell them I wasn't feeling well. I didn't want them to worry about me. Plus they still had and hour before they had to get up and ready for their job. I then proceeded to get myself dressed and I headed out the door. I decided to skip breakfast, since my stomach was really starting to bother me now. I'm lucky i didn't get into any sort of accident on my way to work because of how dizzy I was.

I met up with Harry on my way in to the studio. He seemed to notice that something was off about me and asked if I was alright. "You alright Nialler? You look a little pale," he said.

"Just tired," was my answer. Then we met up with the other lads in the small lounge area of the studio.

~Harry's POV~

I met up with Niall in the parking lot of the studio where we were recording our newest album, Four. Today we were recording the songs: Fireproof, Spaces, Stockholm Sundrome, and Clouds.

Anyways, as the two of us walked into the studio, I noticed that Niall seemed a little sluggish and pale today and not like his usual happy, upbeat pernality. I asked him if he was okay, but he told me that he was "just tired". I just shrugged it off. Niall probably knew himself better than I knew him.

After about an hour into recording, I noticed how pale Niall truly was. Soon Liam also noticed Niall's pale complexion as well and also asked him if he was okay. Once more, he replied with "just tired" to Liam's question, but this was shown to be a lie when Niall ended up puking in a bathroom stall like ten minutes later.

~Niall's POV~

The morning was going by too slowly for me. All I wanted to do was just to go home, be with y/n, and sleep. I hoped the boys did not notice my unusually quite manner this particular morning, but I'm pretty sure that they did because Liam had asked me if I was alright. I just said that I was "just tired" again, but that lie was proven to be false when my body decided that it would be a good idea to expell itself of my dinner from last night.

I was still sitting on the couch in the lounge of the studio with the rest of the lads like five minutes after Liam asked if I was okay, when my stomach gurgled and I jumped up running to the bathroom. I plopped down in front of a toilet and gagged causing me to get sick. I didn't even have time to lock the stall behind me.

I soon heard the boys come into the bathroom behind me. One of them started rubbing my back, but I couldn't tell who it was since I was still getting sick. After I was able to calm down a little bit I think Louis took my temperature, but, again, I wasn't one hundred percent sure who it was.

~Your POV~

I didn't understand how a person could look so flushed and yet so pale all at the same time. I was sitting next to my boyfriend in a bathroom stall at his studio where he went to work. Louis had called me and told me that Niall had gotten sick and was running a fever while I was working my job of being a veterinarian. I had been showing the new intern around when I got the call from Louis. I then had to explain to my manager the situation and one of my co workers had to finish the tour with the new intern.

Anyways, I was sitting in this bathroom stall feeling bad for my boyfriend while also sort of feeling upset with him for not telling me that he felt so unwell.

"Hey baby, ready to go?" I finally spoke for the first time since being at the studio. Niall just nodded again, then Louis helped me stand him up and walk him to my car.

Once Niall was safely in my car, I thanked Louis for his help. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling bad?" I asked Niall before we pulled out of the parking lot.

"I just didn't want you to worry about me," was his response. Niall now had tears rolling down his red cheeks.

"Shh, it's okay baby," I reassured him, "I just want to make sure that you're okay."

Then I proceeded to drive my boyfriend home, where he fell asleep almost immediately when his head hit the pillow on the couch bed that I had set up for him.


When Niall awoke later that afternoon, he was feeling much better and was soon back to recording with the rest of the lads a few days later.

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