Harry Bussick

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*kerplunk* The bus heaved as it went over another bump in the road. Harry winced at this. The fumes of the bus always made Harry feel quite peaky, but he was usually able to cope with it. The thing that was different this time around was that the bus had to take a specific route in which the road was quite bumpy. "You alright mate?" Liam asked looking up from the book he was reading.

"Not really," Harry mumbled closing his eyes.

"Aww what's the matter pal?" Louis asked in a sarcastic tone. He thought that Harry was just messing around and pretending to be ill. Liam shot Louis an annoyed look. "What?" Louis said in that same sarky voice. Liam rolled his eyes at Louis as he looked back down at his book.

Just then, Zayn walked into the room. "Vas happ..." He was interrupted by Harry letting out a large burp before covering his mouth with one of his hands. Liam knew what was about to happen. He immediately jumped up and grabbed the nearest trash bin. As soon as it was in front of him, Harry's body proceeded to rid itself of Harry's last meal.

"Aww mate," Niall got up out of his seat and walked over to the small couch in which Harry was laying.

Both Liam and Niall started rubbing Harry's back while he proceeded to get sick again in the bin. It took a minute for Zayn to process what was going on, but he too was soon by Harry's side reassuring him that it was gonna be okay and such. On the other hand, Louis just sat there in shock.


Soon, when Harry finally stopped getting sick and was able to catch his breath, Niall jumped up and got him some water. "Ya alright?" he said as he handed the water to his band mate.

"I don't know. I just wanna lay down."

"Okay. No problemo!" Harry flinched at Niall's loud remark.

"Why don't you go lay in your bunk?" Zayn suggested, "cause it might be a little too noisy in here." Zayn made a face at Niall.

Then both Liam and Zayn help lift their unwell mate to his bunk meanwhile Niall and Louis stayed in the small living area.

Niall and Louis both sat in silence for a few minutes before Louis stated to cry a little. "Aww Lou! What's wrong?!" Niall said as he sat next to him.

"I d-didn't t-think that h-he was actually sick. I thought he was j-just joking. I c-could have h-helped him. I f-feel so bad."

"Aww I think Liam and Zayn got it covered." Niall hugged his now sobbing band mate.

"I k-know, but I just wanna be there for h-him." Louis could barely speak he was crying so hard. He just felt extremely guilty that he teased Harry without realizing that he was actually ill.

Liam then came back into the room. "What's going on in here?" he asked and Niall explained the situation to him. "Oh cmon Lou. You know Harry knows that you care about him very much and he cares about you too." Liam then went ahead and put his arms around Louis in a tight hug.


Sorry this one was sorta shorter than the other ones so far. I couldn't think about how to elaborate on it some more, but I hoped y'all liked it! Xoxo

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