7x11. A Little Sacrifice

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7x11 is where the story of 7x10 in the actual show happens in my rewrite, since I've already made it so Bellamy's Etherea storyline happens much earlier in the season. 7x10 was yet another one of the few episodes I really liked, but I will be making a few adjustments so it fits into the context of my rewrite. Gabriel, Raven, and Jordan aren't sure how much longer they can keep Cadogan and Anders stalled with Jordan's lie about the final code, so most of the characters decide it would be best to escape back to Sanctum that night. Clarke is still holding onto hope that Bellamy can be brought back and refuses to leave Bardo without him, against the others' protests, but she agrees to help them escape. Although they try to escape quietly, Echo decides to take matters into her own hands and unleash Gen-9 onto the Disciples' facility as vengeance for all they took from her. And yes, she is totally cool with allowing Bellamy to die because she's bat-turd crazy and he's no longer himself, so for her it's not a huge loss. And like in the actual episode, she tortures Levitt for the Gen-9 and recruits Hope into her plan. I should probably add that she plans on forcibly taking Clarke back to Sanctum with her and the others, so no one needs to worry about her being willing to crystallize Clarke. Anyway, the confrontation scene plays out the same way it does in the actual show, although there are some obvious adjustments to the dialogue due to the fact that at this point in rewrite already know Bellamy isn't actually dead and you can bet your butts I'm keeping Miller's line from the script. Then Bellamy shows up with Anders and a few other Disciples, having reported what Echo was up to. The rest of the scene plays out like it does in the actual show, but with the additions of the characters being pissed at Bellamy for ratting them out and viewing Diyoza's death as the final straw.

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