7x08. The Flock

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As I'm sure you've noticed, I've started switching the episode titles around a bit. This is because I've done a couple rearrangements of the episodes' storylines. I decided to have 7x08 follow 7x09's story and make 7x09 the prequel pilot to help fix the issue of this season constantly jumping back and forth in the show's timeline and having way too many WTF moments for its own good. Anyway, the episode takes place over three Bardoan months just like in the actual show. Gabriel, Raven, and Jordan join the codebreaking team (it's here Jordan figures out the last war is more like a test than an actual war) while Diyoza, Echo, Octavia, Hope, Miller, and Niylah train to be soldiers. Clarke isn't forced to train, as the Disciples still think she has the Flame, but she's kept under close watch. She hasn't met with the Shepherd yet due to claiming that she wants her friends to be ready for the last war before giving the Disciples the key. Throughout the episode, the characters learn more about Disciple culture and the last war like in the actual show. They also voluntarily share some of their memories through M-Cap to provide intel and keep up their ruse. Meanwhile on Etherea, Bellamy also learns more about the Disciples' customs and beliefs from Doucett, hence why I chose to have the rest of his Etherea storyline play out here. We get more Levtavia moments as well, with Levitt viewing Octavia's Blodreina memories in one scene and comforting her over the things she experienced, such as her loss of Ethan. She also expresses regret over not being able to make amends with Kane before he died. At one point, Clarke also learns from Levitt that Bellamy was the source of most of the Disciples' intel from her and is both touched and saddened upon seeing his memories of her and learning what he suffered to protect her. The rest of the episode mostly plays out like normal. After Hope is taken into custody, Clarke finally agrees to seek an audience with the Shepherd, partially in exchange for a lighter sentence for Hope. (In my version, Anders sentences Hope to five years on Penance, not Echo, so Clarke's decision makes a bit more sense.) Meanwhile, the rest of Bellamy's Etherea storyline plays out like it does in the actual show. The episode ends with Anders awakening Cadogan, informing him that Clarke is now ready to talk, and taking him to the Stone Room to greet Doucette and a newly converted Bellamy.

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